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Displaying 1061-1070 out of 2695 results.

The waiting game begins

ZANU-PF restrains its exultation at electoral victory and the MDC its gloom as both contemplate the vast challenges ahead

Opposition reactions after President Robert Mugabe’s re-election and inauguration have lacked drama. Movement for Democratic Change supporters in urban strongholds believe they were robbed of victory on 31...

KK cuts a dash

The Movement for Democratic Change’s application to the Constitutional Court to void the elections created uncertainty over the timetable for the inauguration of President Robert Mugabe and, with...

Frelimo may compromise

Renamo’s campaign for a bigger slice of public life has little support but Frelimo seems unable to capitalise on that and may make concessions

As the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique’s armed stand-off continues with the opposition Resistência Nacional Mocambicana (Renamo), Frelimo is beginning to worry about the impact on the coming...


The date has been set for the first round of the long-awaited presidential election: 25 October. A second round, if needed, and the parliamentary polls follow on 20...

New name, same game

Inspired by a vision from God, King Mswati III has declared his country a ‘monarchical democracy’. This will make it clear to the international community that Swaziland is...

Iqbal Survé

Chairman, Sekunjalo Group

Iqbal Survé has gone into business with state-owned Chinese and South African companies. Survé’s Sekunjalo Group bought a stake in South Africa’s Independent News & Media which produces...

Banda redraws party lines

The MMD is in dangerous disarray. The UPND is attracting defectors and popular support, even from Banda himself

Former President Rupiah Bwezani Banda’s support for the United Party for National Development is weakening his own Movement for Multiparty Democracy. To oppose the governing Patriotic Front (PF),...

Test for Mugabenomics

ZANU-PF may now relish ruling on its own but it will have to dig very deep for answers to a deteriorating economy

President Robert Mugabe’s victory in the 31 July elections has not settled the uncertainties surrounding Zimbabwe’s political and economic future. It may even have heightened them. Post-election nervousness...

Frelimo decides 2014

The successor to President Armando Guebuza is expected to be decided in September at one of two meetings of the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique’s Political Commission,...

Sexual congress

The suspension of Congress of South African Trade Unions Secretary General Zwelinzima Vavi on 14 August, after he admitted to sexual misconduct with a Cosatu employee in his...

Displaying 1061-1070 out of 2695 results.