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Displaying 1031-1040 out of 2695 results.

Election outcome still in the balance

The difficult part is now over and polling passed off without major incident, although a second round of voting may be needed to decide the ultimate winner

Four-and-a-half years of transition finally came to a peaceful conclusion on 25 October when Malagasies went to the polls for the first round of the presidential elections. After...

Lessons from Luanda

Angola has been flexing its military muscles to remind Congo-Brazzaville exactly who is boss. In a security operation beginning on 13 October, Angolan forces seized 40 Congolese soldiers...

Renamo and Frelimo back to the fray

The violence stems from quarrels between leaders, not popular grievances, but the situation could spiral out of control

The unilateral decision by the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana to abrogate the 1992 General Peace Agreement with the Frente de Libertação Moçambicana may not critically threaten long-term stability but...

Fights over Kabimba wrack the PF

The President is under pressure to heal the party divisions caused by the succession issue. A top party meeting resolved nothing

A long-awaited meeting of the Patriotic Front’s Central Committee on 18 October was expected to see President Michael Sata end the succession wrangles once and for all. Yet...

Van Hoogstraten in airline sell-off

Air Zimbabwe is under new management and looks set for privatisation. The new board wants to borrow from the notorious entrepreneur and ZANU-PF donor Nicholas van Hoogstraten

The state-owned national airline, Air Zimbabwe, has approached controversial British tycoon Nicholas van Hoogstraten for cash to help revive its operations. The programme may result in its privatisation....

The mystery ship deal

Why is a new company linked to the security services spending over 300 million euro on a tuna fishing fleet and a mini-navy?

As tensions rise in Mozambique following rebel leader Afonso Dhlakama's abrogation on 21 October of the 1992 peace deal, more questions are being asked about the government's opaque...

The sanctions card is worn out

Blaming the West and the MDC for the economy’s woes does not get more believable just because it’s repeated in New York and Washington

Zimbabwe celebrated World Food Day on 16 October in its own, idiosyncratic way. The local United Nations office took out an advert in the press pointing out, among...

Dilemmas over power cuts and shortages

With regular power outages and Harare in the grips of a water crisis, the government needs money fast

The inability of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front government to maintain sufficient levels of food production, energy and water supplies is a major problem for locals and...

Shooting triggers reshuffle

The spreading repercussions of September’s gun attack on a senior official have led the President to sack the whole cabinet. Donors are angry

When three gunmen shot down Finance Ministry Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo outside his home in Area 43 in Lilongwe on 13 September, officials initially blamed criminals who wanted...

Displaying 1031-1040 out of 2695 results.