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Displaying 1031-1040 out of 2689 results.

The mystery ship deal

Why is a new company linked to the security services spending over 300 million euro on a tuna fishing fleet and a mini-navy?

As tensions rise in Mozambique following rebel leader Afonso Dhlakama's abrogation on 21 October of the 1992 peace deal, more questions are being asked about the government's opaque...

The sanctions card is worn out

Blaming the West and the MDC for the economy’s woes does not get more believable just because it’s repeated in New York and Washington

Zimbabwe celebrated World Food Day on 16 October in its own, idiosyncratic way. The local United Nations office took out an advert in the press pointing out, among...

Dilemmas over power cuts and shortages

With regular power outages and Harare in the grips of a water crisis, the government needs money fast

The inability of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front government to maintain sufficient levels of food production, energy and water supplies is a major problem for locals and...

Shooting triggers reshuffle

The spreading repercussions of September’s gun attack on a senior official have led the President to sack the whole cabinet. Donors are angry

When three gunmen shot down Finance Ministry Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo outside his home in Area 43 in Lilongwe on 13 September, officials initially blamed criminals who wanted...

Glencore and the fuel firms

The indigenisation board claims the commodity trader is financing a local front company to buy the country’s biggest fuel-trading firm

The proposed buyer of the national fuel distribution company Zuva Petroleum, Woble Investments (Private) Limited, is using the global commodities trader Glencore’s money for the acquisition, says a...

Banda's fortunes turn

The President is reaping political benefit from an improving economy but stands accused of planning underhand ways of winning the 2014 polls

The political fortunes of President Joyce Banda have seen an unexpected turnaround. A win in the May 2014 parliamentary, presidential and local elections had looked highly unlikely but...

Political mould starts to break

The poorest people and the middle class are voicing growing doubts about the ANC – even though its rivals don’t look much more convincing

The African National Congress approaches elections next April-May – and the 20th anniversary of majority rule – with party and country alike in poor shape. Social and economic...

How the parties will go into 2014

If the Economic Freedom Fighters took just 5% of the national vote, that could be a significant and lasting breakthrough

None of the opposition parties can seriously challenge the African National Congress for power at the centre in the next elections but growing political volatility gives them opportunities...

Coming to the aid of the party

In New York, President Zuma sings Happy Birthday to ANC Chairwoman Baleka Mbete, who is currently at the centre of a major political row

On the evening of 24 September in New York, President Jacob Zuma was in high spirits. Earlier that day, he had addressed the United Nations General Assembly debate...

Tender mercies

Insisting that major infrastructure contracts go to competitive tender has got Transport and Communications Minister Paulo Zucula the sack, say senior political sources. President Armando Guebuza moved him...

Displaying 1031-1040 out of 2689 results.