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Displaying 971-980 out of 1011 results.

Biya election

The President's team arranged his Assembly majority; next comes his own election

President Paul Biya and his Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais (RDPC) look likely to get away with another flawed election. The RDPC claims to have won 109 of...

Hanging on

After his triumphal debut at the Organisation of African Unity summit (2-4 June) in Harare, Laurent-Désiré Kabila returned to Kinshasa and a sea of problems. Security is the...

Kabila in Kinshasa

The seven month military march is over; the political march looks longer and tougher

Zaïre has a new name, République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), a new strongman, Laurent-Désiré Kabila and a new burst of goodwill from most of the world's capitals with...

New fingers on Zaïre's trigger

Ending Mobutuism has divided Africa and its allies; the new government will need broad-based support to move ahead

The shape of Africa resembles a revolver, wrote Algeria's Franz Fanon, 'and Zaïre is the trigger'. Over 30 years after Fanon's assessment, new fingers are on the trigger...

Pas si joli

It is turning out worse than they had feared in Paris. President Omar Bongo's government in Gabon has cut out his old ally, France's Elf Aquitaine, in favour...

Business at war

As Laurent-Désiré Kabila's forces march towards Kinshasa, arguments about Zaïre's economic future are heating up

However Mobutu Sese Seko is finally chased from the Presidency, Zaïre's new rulers will inherit a formal economy that barely exists. In 1996 gross domestic product was just...

    Vol 38 No 8 |
  • CHAD

Nimble in Ndjamena

Déby is getting domestic politics under control and is giving his neighbours a hand

Yet another of Africa's military leaders who has swapped khaki for boubou or danshiki, President Idriss Déby Itno has spent the last three months getting domestic politics under...

Kabila yaka!

A bizarre coalition of money and Marxism lies behind the AFDL's phenomenal success

Several 'companions of the road' have given their support to 59 year-old Laurent-Désiré Kabila's political struggle. They are an odd bunch, from Maoist guerrillas to Wall Street investors...

Across the lake

Burundian rebels may have lost part of their Zaïrean safe-haven but they fight on and have even acquired a navy. On 25 March, the Hutu hardline Forces pour...

Displaying 971-980 out of 1011 results.