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Displaying 921-930 out of 993 results.

Holding up the peace

Both the government and rebels grow weaker as the neighbours press for a ceasefire

Congo’s worried neighbours want peace badly, but may have botched the chance of it at Victoria Falls on 7 September. The first idea was that President Laurent Kabila’s...

Turning the tables

The simmering rebellion against Kabila is dividing Eastern and Southern Africa

After less than a month of fighting, Congo’s rebellion has sawn the country in two. The rebels announcing their opposition to President Laurent-Désiré Kabila’s ‘despotism’ and ‘nepotism’ quickly...

    Vol 39 No 17 |
  • CHAD

Secret exits

In spite of having cut down its defence commitments (the pullout from Bouar and Bangui in the Central African Republic was completed in April), France still maintains a...

Pipeline jitters

There are still doubts about the huge plan to pump oil from Chad to the Atlantic

Southern-based rebels and environmentalists are losing their battles toscupperPresidentIdrissDéby’ splanstoturnChadintoAfrica’ s latest oil emirate. The Déby plan, put together by a consortium of major oil companies, is to...

Asking A.T.T.

As elections approach, Nigerian diplomat Olu Adeneji is settling in as United Nations Special Representative and head of the 1,350-man Mission des Nations Unies en République Centrafricaine. African...

Clinton likes it

There's still lots of interest but little foreign money going into Kabila's new order

'Clinton likes the Congolese revolution,' President Laurent- Désiré Kabila exclaimed on state television on 26 March, after meeting in Uganda with the United States' President during his six-stop...


As French troops prepare to quit on 15 April, mercenaries are hovering - or so President Ange- Félix Patassé told the French daily Libération of 10...

Displaying 921-930 out of 993 results.