Vol 40 No 14 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA Border blues 9th July 1999 Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon are falling out again over their boundaries in the Gulf of Guinea's oil-rich waters (AC Vol 40 No 9). President Paul Biya failed to...
Vol 40 No 10 | CONGO-KINSHASAZIMBABWE Big Wheels 14th May 1999 The news that creditor banks met to discuss the future of well connected Zimbabwean entrepreneur Billy Rautenbach's Hyundai Motor Distributors in Botswana raises questions about his continuing operations...
Vol 40 No 5 | CONGO-KINSHASA Hard talk in Kinshasa 5th May 1999 Kabila's allies are pushing him to make peace with the rebels Looking for a way out of the Congo war, Presidents Robert Mugabe, Sam Nujoma and José Eduardo dos Santos emerged grim-faced from their Kinshasa summit with President Laurent-...
Vol 40 No 9 | GABONUNITED STATES Bongo's lobby fest 30th April 1999 President El Hadj Omar Bongo may not have got to see President Bill Clinton or Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (the latter because of an ostensible diary clash)...
Vol 40 No 9 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA Abubakar's offer 30th April 1999 A rare visit to Malabo by a Nigerian head of state allowed General Abdulsalami Abubakar to congratulate President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo on joining the ranks of Gulf...
Vol 40 No 8 | CONGO-KINSHASA Fantasy rules 16th April 1999 International and regional peacekeeping efforts fail to impress the belligerents Surrealism is taking over in Congo-Kinshasa. Both President Laurent-Désiré Kabila and his armed opponents insist almost daily that there must be a peaceful resolution of their differences....
Vol 40 No 8 | CONGO-KINSHASA The military imbalance 16th April 1999 In most regions the rebel forces are driving back Laurent Kabila's soldiers and their foreign allies. In southern Congo, though, neither side is advancing: on 12 April...
Vol 40 No 8 | GABONUNITED STATES Bongo for Bill 16th April 1999 Frenetic efforts are being made by Washington lobbyists to secure a meeting for President El Hadj Omar Bongo with President Bill Clinton, with a White House encounter slated...
Vol 40 No 6 | CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE Look in The Mirror 19th March 1999 Who sent sent a putschist’s shopping list of arms and mercenaries, purportedly drawn up by ousted Congo-Brazzaville President Pascal Lissouba to a mass circulation London tabloid, the Daily...
Vol 40 No 2 | CONGO-KINSHASA Central Africa's schism 22nd January 1999 Kabila is determined to fight on but his foreign backers are looking for an exit ‘Peace in our time’ was the message emerging from the 18 January Windhoek summit on the Congo-Kinshasa war. Yet sadly, President Sam Nujoma’s assurances of a new era...