Vol 41 No 11 | CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Cleaning up 26th May 2000 Donors concentrate on restructuring the army; locals worry more about corruption President Ange-Félix Patassé's attempts to convince donors they ought to help him are getting a more positive reception. After Prime Minister Anicet Georges Dologuélé's trip this month to...
Vol 41 No 9 | CONGO-KINSHASAZIMBABWE A military trap 28th April 2000 Harare's domestic crisis makes its military intervention look even shakier The Congo war is at the heart of President Robert Mugabe's troubles. The economic cost of Zimbabwe's military involvement, with no immediate return, is a load which donors...
Vol 41 No 7 | CONGO-KINSHASAZIMBABWE Bye bye Billy 31st March 2000 The ousting of Zimbabwean magnate Billy Rautenbach as Chief Executive of Congo-Kinshasa's Gécamines and the breaking up of his Congo-based Central Mining Group is part of a bigger...
Vol 41 No 7 | CHAD Togoïmi's Tactics 31st March 2000 President Idriss Déby is deeply worried about ex-Defence Minister Youssouf Togoïmi's rebellion in the Tibesti. Travel, even for officials, is impossible north of Faya-Largeau. The French Embassy has...
Vol 41 No 6 | CHADFRANCE All change 17th March 2000 A complex row over oil, French troops, and links with rebels has boiled over For a French ambassador to be expelled from Chad was once unthinkable: Paris was more likely to expel a Chadian president. Changing times were marked on 11 March...
Vol 41 No 4 | CONGO-KINSHASA Hanging on 18th February 2000 Kabila's regime proves more durable than expected but he musn't offend his allies It is not yet time to write off President Laurent-Désiré Kabila, whose government is trying to climb out of the deep economic hole it has dug itself. Crucially,...
Vol 41 No 4 | CONGO-KINSHASA Shaky movers 18th February 2000 The men who lead Laurent-Désiré Kabila's government were mostly in exile until he seized power in 1997 and owe their status to presidential favour rather than local power-base....
Vol 41 No 3 | CONGO-KINSHASA UN-convincing 4th February 2000 Almost all the participants claimed victory in the United Nations Security Council's special session on Congo-Kinshasa, convened by United States' Ambassador Richard Holbrooke on 24-26 January. US and...
Vol 40 No 25 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA Obiang's heritage 17th December 1999 Succession talk could spark political change in Africa's newest emirate The government goes on denying that the President is gravely ill but speculation continues. When President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo met his Nigerian counterpart, Olusegun Obasanjo, on 4...
Vol 40 No 23 | LIBYACONGO-KINSHASA Diamonds for guns 19th November 1999 A five-man Libyan 'business delegation' visited Kinshasa last month to express Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's 'desire to invest in the diamond sector', said local press reports. The Libyans,...