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Displaying 801-810 out of 993 results.

Deals in the West, war in the East

Continuing slaughter in the east reveals the faultlines of the Kinshasa regime

Congo's civil war was five years old on 2 August and the country's politicians claim it is all over (AC Vol 44 No 14). Few believe them. Bloody...

Money in the pipeline

Biya still looks like the only show in town but critics keep the loyalists on their toes

With first oil from the Chad-Cameroon pipeline set to reach Kribi port in September, this new source of revenue will come at a perfect time for President Paul...

The nearly government

The latest political deal holds out a hope of stabilising the east after five years of horror

The politicians missed the 30 June deadline for a new national government and army. However (under heavy United Nations' pressure) they stitched up a last-minute deal and the...

Leaving the door open

The latest strongman needs democratic frontmen to bring aid and recognition

It is a measure of the uncertainty and wariness surrounding the Central African Republic's new government that the Mozambican leader explained to the world on 6 July that...

Nobody's moving

A temporary calm in Ituri does not mean progress towards national peace

Congo-Kinshasa has briefly diverted the attention of the United Nations Security Council from its altercations over Iraq. Spurred into action by the stark contrast in kill rates more...

Battle for Bunia

Quarrelling over posts in a power-sharing government, pitting Kinshasa's proxies against those of Rwanda, reflects a similar struggle in eastern Congo where Kinshasa and Rwanda back rival militias....

Un-rapid reaction

Fighting is worsening in the north-eastern Ituri Province but plans for a 2,000-strong rapid reaction force are embroiled in United Nations and European Union bureaucracy. The proposed French-led...

Drummed out

Only a burst tyre and a forced landing made Uganda miss its 24 April deadline to pull its troops out of north-eastern Congo-Kinshasa. They set off in four...

Wood for the trees

Mystery surrounds the fate of a proposed US$50 million investment in the Shikolobwe concession in Katanga, one of the world's richest deposits of copper, cobalt and uranium. The...

Displaying 801-810 out of 993 results.