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Displaying 731-740 out of 1009 results.

Looking into the abyss

Another postponement of the vote and more disputes over security cloud election prospects

Fears about Congo's election timetable and security preparations are escalating, just as three heads of United Nations agencies arrived on an official visit. It's now clear that even...

Trouble in the east

The new electoral law angers the former rebels and could set the eastern provinces ablaze

More trouble looms in the run-up to the elections as the proposed electoral law obliterates the chances of the Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie in the parliamentary elections...

The pink card

President Paul Biya's regime has survived much but until now, none of his opponents dared play the pink card. It all started when Catholic Archbishop Victor Tonye Bakot...

US hurricane

Having triumphed by massive fraud in November's elections (AC Vol 46 No 24), Africa's longest serving leader, Omar Bongo Ondimba, looks forward to seven more years as President...

Changing regimes

The World Bank is insisting that borrowers keep their promises on transparency

The governments of Congo-Brazzaville and Chad are at odds with the International Monetary Fund, headed by Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo, and the World Bank under its new...

Generals, gems and graft

Three reports on the looting of state assets raise new fears for the success of next year's elections

The 18 December referendum is meant to establish a new constitution, prepare for national elections in 2006, signal the end of the traumatic civil war and speed economic...

Cinderella and the generals

European Union envoy Aldo Ajello calls its the 'Cinderella effect'. Congo's well-heeled generals and politicians fear that the elections - like the chimes of midnight for Cinderella -...

On the runway

The oil on which President Omar Bongo built his power is starting to run out but he carries on as usual after 38 years in the job (AC...

    Vol 46 No 23 |
  • CHAD

Fear changes sides

The 15 November arrest in Senegal of Chad's ex-President Hissène Habré may lead to the first trial abroad of a dictator. 'Fear is finally changing sides', a lawyer...

Politicians on notice

The power-sharing regime is under fire for corruption and undermining next year's elections

The big cleanup is on hold. In May, a parliamentary committee delivered its report on state contracts signed during the civil wars of 1996-97 and 1998-2003. The report...

Displaying 731-740 out of 1009 results.