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Displaying 701-710 out of 1009 results.

The bashing of Bemba

The opposition leader may be forced into exile but President Kabila has plenty of battles on the economic front

The bloody shoot-out in Kinshasa on 22-23 March confirmed President Joseph Kabila's grip on the country. His troops decisively defeated the guard of Jean-Pierre Bemba, who had lost...

Areva in hot water

The war of words between two non-governmental agencies and French nuclear energy company AREVA escalated last week, with public accusations of malpractice in the extraction of uranium in...

A frontier affair

Old allies in Luanda and Kinshasa are at odds over their border in diamond country

A high-powered Angolan delegation visited Kinshasa on 14 March. It included Foreign Minister João Bernado de Miranda, Interior Minister Leal Monteiro 'Ngongo', Chief-of-Staff General Francisco Furtado, National Police...

A blow-up blows over

Congo has its uranium scandal, and the International Atomic Energy Agency is investigating. New Minister for Scientific Research Sylvanus Mushi Bonane opened up the affair on 15 March...

Can the trees be saved?

The destruction of Congo's 110 million hectare forest could transform the climate of Africa – and the world

Congo's rainforest covers 110 million hectares, twice the size of France. Cutting it down, as the Amazon jungle across the Atlantic is being cut down, could transform the...

Winner takes (almost) all

The President's party has grabbed the top jobs for itself and those who are left out are angry

The new government, formed by Prime Minister Antoine Gizenga on 5 February, began in deep trouble. President Joseph Kabila's Alliance de la Majorité Présidentielle (AMP) grabbed all the...

Kabila's yes-men

The overstuffed government has 60 members: six ministers of state, 34 ministers and 20 deputy ministers. The presidential alliance takes 18 places, 15 of those for President Joseph...

    Vol 47 No 24 |
  • CHAD

Sudan targets Chad

Chadian rebels launch a new offensive against President Déby after fresh backing from the Sudan government

Khartoum's military planners called a secret conference late last month in El Geneina, West Darfur. As host and financier, Khartoum demanded that the disparate Chadian rebel groups unite...

Displaying 701-710 out of 1009 results.