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Displaying 601-610 out of 1008 results.

Banking on secrecy

Finance ministers will come under heavy pressure at the G-20 meeting on 2 April in London to crack down on tax havens and the banking secrecy regimes that...

Farewell, Lady Bongo

The death of First Lady Edith Lucie Bongo Ondimba née Sassou-Nguesso and her subsequent grand funeral in Libreville on 19 March has prompted a wave of sympathy and...

The rebel's return

With an armed attack on a police base in Batangafo, 390 kilometres north-west of Bangui, on 21-22 February, Abdoulaye Miskine relaunched the rebellion that he had abandoned...

New putsch, new players

The gun battle in the early hours of 17 February between armed groups making a seaborne assault on Malabo and its security forces seems to have been sparked...

Twixt Beijing and the IMF

China's investment and production plans face a crisis as Kinshasa's foreign reserves nosedive

Falling demand for copper, cobalt and diamonds offers a stark choice for President Joseph Kabila's government: does it accept the onerous conditions of credits from the International Monetary Fund or does...

Vultures over Kinshasa

Chinese money is now a key target for United States' FG Hemisphere Associates LLC, which wants to reclaim a debt of US$104 million owed by Congo-Kinshasa. FG Hemisphere is widely...

Iron in the soul

After renegotiating for better terms in the Bélinga iron ore deal and drops in commodity prices, parties in Beijing are no longer as keen on the deal

Having won a dangerous game of brinkmanship, President El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba is trying to re-excite China's interest in the Bélinga iron ore project. Since the end of last year,...

Shotgun wedding

President Kabila's improbable deal with Rwanda could unravel and further weaken his authority in Kinshasa

Kinshasa's sudden embrace of Kigali may cause as many problems as it solves. President Paul Kagame's troops have been spearheading joint operations against the Hutu militiamen of the...

A rift among rebels

Some want a ceasefire, others insist on a solution, with personalities as divisive as policies

The main rebel movement in eastern Congo has split, with one faction seeking a ceasefire with the government, the other promising to fight on. The more militant rebel,...

Displaying 601-610 out of 1008 results.