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Displaying 591-600 out of 1008 results.

The cement boom

In both Angola and Congo-Kinshasa, public works produce surprising profits for well-connected cement producers, but an oil-fired building boom requires a lot of cement. Angola's Minister of Public...

The China choice

Congo-Kinshasa's dilemma over how to finalise a US$9 billion minerals barter deal with China without jeopardising a debt-reduction deal with the International Monetary Fund will not be resolved...

    Vol 50 No 10 |
  • CHAD

Tactical defeat

The Chadian rebel offensive began straight after the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie had tried to break the stalemate in talks between President Idriss Déby and his civilian...

Who shoots first?

The regimes in N’djamena and Khartoum are preparing for another proxy war, this time with more guns and better technology

On the Chad-Sudan border, everyone is asking who will fire first. As the mandate of the European Union Force (EUFOR) in eastern Chad ran out last month, Sudan's...

An offshore imbroglio

The two countries set up a joint commission to resolve long-standing border rows

Grievances have arisen between Angola and Congo-Kinshasa about their borders - offshore and onshore. Kinshasa's Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito and ministers Célestin Mbuyu (Interior), Alexis Thambwe Mwamba ...

Debt, markets and Beijing

All three sides - the IMF, Kinshasa and Beijing - say there is little room for compromise on this month's debt relief talks

Kinshasa's negotiators are preparing for more talks with the International Monetary Fund's debt experts at the Fund and World Bank's spring meetings in Washington on 25-26 April. The fundamental problem remains...

Big numbers on Congo's telecoms projects

China's Huawei and China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation are working on two information technology projects for Congo-Kinshasa's Ministère des Postes, Téléphones et Télécommunications (MPTT, Post and Telecommunications Ministry). China Exim Bank...

Displaying 591-600 out of 1008 results.