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Displaying 541-550 out of 1008 results.

How militias control the mines

Politicians, businessmen, the army and rebels are all caught up in the illegal mining and smuggling of minerals destined for lucrative Asian markets

Prominent Congolese businessmen with connections to rebel groups in the conflict-ridden North and South Kivu Provinces are largely responsible for the illegal export of quantities of tin and...

Victory for the Kinshasa vultures

The execution of the US$6 billion ore-for-infrastructure deal originally signed in April 2008 between the Congolese state and Chinese companies China Railway Group and Sinohydro has suffered a...

Monuc moves out

The United Nations announced in early March that it would begin to withdraw its peacekeeping mission, the Mission des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo (Monuc) from...

Roger Busima Kataala

Director General, Agence Congolaise des Travaux Grands, Congo-Kinshasa

Roger Busima Kataala is the head of the Agence Congolaise des Travaux Grands (ACGT), the agency that supervises Chinese-led infrastructure construction. The administrator has become increasingly visible...

Sassou's reforms on trial

The IMF and World Bank have given Sassou-Nguesso a clean bill of health but anti-corruption lobbyists diasgree

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s determination to tackle corruption in Congo-Brazzaville will be tested on 9 March. EITI directors will meet to consider upgrading their verdict on...

Kabila's new slim-look cabinet

A cabinet reshuffle brings in a few new faces but fails to find the promised seats for the CNDP

It was supposed to be a reshuffle for austerity, in preparation for next year’s elections, and the government’s heavyweights hold on to their jobs, notably Alexis Thambwé Mwamba...

Hush hush money

Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito would like to hush up a report from the Economic and Financial Commission (Ecofin) of the National Assembly, which urges the government to manage...

Kinshasa’s missing millions

Evidence of grand corruption mounts in Beijing’s showcase $6 billion barter deal with the Kinshasa government

Over US$23 million in signature bonuses payable on China’s $6 billion Sino-Congolaise des Mines (Sicomines) deal with the Kinshasa government have been stolen according to a probe by a commission set...

Donald Kaberuka

President, African Development Bank

As President of the African Development Bank, Donald Kaberuka received red-carpet treatment on his visit to China on 3-6 February. A troop of dignitaries turned out to welcome...

Displaying 541-550 out of 1008 results.