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Displaying 501-510 out of 1008 results.

Murder again

The death in detention of another critic illustrates the government’s arbitrary power as its reputation declines at home and abroad

The official story is that Armand Tungulu Mudiandambu killed himself on 1 October with a cloth he was using as a pillow. He had been detained by President...

Cooperating with Cohydro

Korea National Oil Corporation is discussing a potential strategic partnership with the parastatal Congolaise des Hydrocarbures. KNOC President Kang Young-won and Cohydro Chairman Séraphin Tshibambe Ndjibu were in...

Massaging the message

UN officials believe their edited investigation has persuaded Uganda and Rwanda not to withdraw their peacekeepers

At the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 23 September, Rwandan President Paul Kagame did not look like a man leading a government...

Kinshasa in court

President Joseph Kabila's government now has the distinction of facing three international court cases in which foreign companies accuse it of arbitrarily seizing their assets. The biggest...

A new strategy for Darfur

With all eyes on the South and preparations for January’s referendum, Khartoum has stepped up its attacks in Darfur

As attention from Juba to New York focuses on January’s referenda in Abyei and the South, Khartoum is trying to build a new reality in Darfur, away from...

A poll that perplexes

The coming elections are immense, will cost US$715 million and are quite possibly illegal

The grumbles are growing fast, although there is still a year to go before the votes are cast. Several Congolese non-government organisations are casting doubt on the legality...

Runners and frontrunners

Only three candidates have so far declared that they will stand for president at the election whose first round is due on 27 November 2011. Oscar Kashala Lukumuenda,...

Mixed minerals

The job of Congo’s Centre d’Evaluation, d’Expertise et de Certification (CEEC) and its director, Léonide Mupepele, is to certify the value of metals produced, and so to ensure...

Aiming high

China will soon surge ahead to become Congo's leading partner but not before sorting out employment and artisanal mining issues

Congo-Kinshasa will outstrip its rivals over the next two years to become the world's second largest copper producer (behind Chile), with a total annual production of 1.94 million...

Displaying 501-510 out of 1008 results.