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Displaying 481-490 out of 1008 results.

Obame: no, he can’t

An oppositionist enjoys his moment in Libreville’s limelight but has no options once the curtain falls

André Mba Obame is in no hurry to leave the small offices of the United Nations Development Programme in Libreville, where he has been holed up since 29...

Rearranging the cabinet

Since coming to power in 2009, President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba’s government has asked only for patience and delivered only promises. Holding a cabinet meeting in Tchibanga in...

Split the nation

Katanga’s separatists are on the march again. Fifty years ago, they threatened the unity of the new-born Congo state at Independence. On 4 February, at around 3 a.m.,...

A family legacy

Ali Ben Bongo, who took over the presidency from his father in August 2009, is struggling on both the political and economic fronts

After more than a year in power, President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba faces rising popular discontent. Spending more time abroad than at home hardly gives the impression of...

Abine quits RDPC

Ayah Paul Abine, the Rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais member of parliament for Akaya, Manyu Division of South West Region, has quit the ruling RDPC, claiming he fears...

To Biya or not to Biya

The President could easily rig his way back to power but may prefer to spring a surprise and quit

In power for the last 28 years, President Paul Biya, 77, will face his old rival in the presidential election scheduled for October. This is John Fru Ndi,...

Kabila again

If, despite some legal hurdles, the elections are held, President Joseph Kabila is likely to win another five years in power

Congo’s approaching elections are already entangled by lawyers. The main opposition party, Jean-Pierre Bemba’s Mouvement de libération du Congo (MLC), supported by several local non-governmental organisations, claims that...

Bongo feels the heat

President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba has maintained a dignified silence over the claim, contained in a United States State Department cable of June 2009 and leaked by WikiLeaks,...

Displaying 481-490 out of 1008 results.