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Displaying 451-460 out of 1008 results.

Fire sale

Ahead of national polls scheduled for 28 November, the Kinshasa government has decided to sell off state assets to a Hong Hong-based company for a fraction of their...

Timber company cuts corners

Smuggling is one of the biggest open secrets in Gabon’s forestry sector. Ever since the government began trying to mandate more local value-added processing of logs, the raw...

Making calls on the state

Observers are asking if a crackdown on a telecoms scandal signals a new approach to corruption

In a fit of unusual state zeal on 2 August, police in Bangui arrested a Frenchman working for local telecommunications company Telsoft Gateway Centrafrique and charged him with...

Prison politics

Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo is not letting his status as a prisoner on trial at the International Criminal Court get in the way of standing in the presidential election,...

Bad fences, bad neighbours

Disputes over politics, oil and diamonds are dividing the two neighbouring governments

Relations between Luanda and Kinshasa could deteriorate sharply after a series of disputes. Angolan border police expelled about 15,000 Congolese in April and May after rounding them up...

Shifting foundation

The terms of the mines-for-infrastructure contract are flexible, which is good because they’re up for negotiation again

The Congolese authorities have signalled yet another revision to the historic US$6 billion mines-for-infrastructure deal between the government and a Chinese consortium. China Railways Engineering Corporation, Sinohydro and...

Displaying 451-460 out of 1008 results.