Vol 52 No 22 | CONGO-KINSHASA Fears grow of poll delay 4th November 2011 Electoral officials are trying to make the polls happen on time but the obstacles are many The pre-election atmosphere is deteriorating. The government claims that the opposition is preparing an uprising and the government of neighbouring Congo-Brazzaville has accused President Joseph Kabila of looking...
Vol 52 No 22 | CAMEROON Biya’s last hurrah 4th November 2011 President Paul Biya’s sixth – and surely final – election on 9 October was marked by a dearth of congratulatory messages from fellow heads of government. Neighbour President...
Vol 52 No 21 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA Teodorin’s week 21st October 2011 On 19 October, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo nominated his son, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue (‘Teodorín’) as his new deputy envoy to the Paris-based United Nations Educational, Scientific...
Vol 52 No 20 | CAMEROON Election fails to stir passions 7th October 2011 Paul Biya heads for almost certain victory over a fractured and uninspiring opposition, leaving voters more apathetic than indignant An atmosphere of apathy clings to Cameroon’s presidential election on 9 October. In power for 28 years now, Paul Biya, 78, will once again present himself for re-election,...
Vol 52 No 20 | CAMEROON Soldiers shooting at dawn 7th October 2011 At dawn on 29 September, a group of soldiers shot into the air on the bridge across the River Wouri that links central Douala with the industrial suburb of Bonabéri....
Vol 52 No 20 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA Those were the days 7th October 2011 Publication of Simon Mann’s memoirs have been delayed until the end of October. The former Special Air Service officer was released 33 years early in 2009, after conviction...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 12 | CAMEROONSOUTH KOREA Diamond dealers 5th October 2011 Parliamentary investigations expose a cosy relationship between the South Korean government and the backers of a controversial diamond project President Lee Myung-bak’s government faces another corruption scandal linked to its African resource diplomacy after a little-known mining company claimed to have made a record-shattering diamond discovery in eastern Cameroon. A parliamentary...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 12 | CAMEROONSOUTH KOREA Animated investors in the diamond mines 5th October 2011 C&K Mining has been operating in Cameroon since 2007 and has been working on production plans for the Mobilong and Limokoali diamond mines ever since. President Paul Biya signed a...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 12 | CONGO-KINSHASASOUTH KOREA Water and copper under the bridge 5th October 2011 South Korean company Samsung C&T has become a collateral victim of the dispute between Belgian company George Forrest International and Congo-Kinshasa’s state mining company, Gécamines. GFI and Gécamines are vying for...
Vol 52 No 19 | CONGO-KINSHASA A rocky electoral road 23rd September 2011 Polling looks almost certain to be postponed but President Kabila’s opponents may try to test their support on the street The 25 November presidential and parliamentary elections were always going to be difficult but the violence has already begun. On 5 September, a crowd of supporters of President...