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Displaying 291-300 out of 1008 results.

Regional leaders take charge

Backstage at the AU summit and increasingly worried about the state of affairs in CAR, regional leaders took some key decisions

The leaders of the Francophone Central African grouping, the Communauté économique des états de l’Afrique centrale, are demanding changes to CAR President Catherine Samba-Panza’s government. Impatient at her...

Puzzle of FDLR intentions

The notorious militia is disarming but some say that’s a blind. A complex mix of motives, alliances and regional interests is at work

Central and Southern African leaders have demanded the disarmament of the Rwandan Hutu militia, the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda. At a summit in Luanda on 2...

Kabila defiant on third term

The President tries to ignore opposition and international objections to his changing the law to stay on in power

President Joseph Kabila seems determined to serve a third term of office, although his attempts to make the idea popular at home have failed. Nor has he responded...

Fighting flares in the Kivus

Both Kinshasa and Kigali have their own domestic or geopolitical reasons to keep the pot boiling over their common border

Congo-Kinshasa and Rwanda traded heavy arms fire in the second week of June in a reminder, after months of calm, of the countries' mutual suspicion and the volatility...

Farm plan aims high

The government believes big farms and agro-industry can achieve food self-sufficiency. Small farmers fear a land-grab

President Joseph Kabila Kabange's government believes it can massively increase food production and crop exports by setting up vast commercial farms of tens of thousands of hectares. The...

Gertler the farmer

After making gigantic profits by buying and reselling mining and oil concessions in Congo-Kinshasa, the controversial Israeli businessman Dan Gertler has set up a farm on a philanthropic...

Kinshasa challenges Luanda

In a row that could affect the oil industry, Congo-Kinshasa is again raising the temperature over maritime rights which Angola disputes

A long-simmering dispute about rights to the sea has worsened. Last year, Angola submitted a map to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf...

Sassou slaps Kabila

The recent expulsions of Congo-Kinshasa's nationals mark a new low in relations between the two capitals that face each other across the Congo River

Around 600,000 nationals from Congo-Kinshasa live in Congo-Brazzaville but over the last two months, Brazzaville has deported nearly 100,000 of them. Officially, the expulsion of some of the...

How not to refill a lake

The Sahel’s only major body of water has shrunk to a fraction of its former size but one plan to save the lake is fraught with controversy

Lake Chad once sustained a large population through irrigation and fishing in Cameroon, Niger, Chad and Nigeria. Now, just a tenth of its former size, it is only...

Terms of abuse

The President's bid to change the constitution to allow him to stand for a third term has failed

The Kinshasa press loudly celebrated the failure of President Pierre Nkurunziza to amend the Burundian constitution at the end of March, a move intended to permit him a...

Displaying 291-300 out of 1008 results.