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Displaying 191-200 out of 1008 results.

Bongo clubbed in Paris

The Paris Club of sovereign state creditors is threatening to derail President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba's government's delicate balancing act on its foreign debt.


The president of the Commission Électorale Nationale Indépendante (CENI), Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo, is the latest of a long list of Congolese political actors to hire Washington DC lobbyists.

Mayhem among the militias

The loyalty of government forces is under strain as new militia challenges spring up, especially in the benighted Kivus

President Joseph Kabila's Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) are struggling to cope with a series of attacks by Mai Mai militia groups on army...

Sassou in a corner

Confronted by economic crisis and armed insurgents, the President has battened down the hatches as he talks to the IMF

A fortnight after the ruling Parti congolais du travail (PCT) won 91 of the national assembly's 151 seats, Prime Minister Clément Mouamba tendered his government's resignation...

False start to IMF talks

The government's attempt to mislead the Fund over the scale of its debts does not bode well for their negotiations

Few countries can ever have warranted as terse a press release as that issued by the International Monetary Fund on the meeting of its chief, Christine Lagarde, with...

Storm over probe into UN experts murder

Doubts are growing about the UN inquiry into the killing of two of its experts in March as pressure mounts for an full investigation. Some link the government to the deaths

The United Nations' Board of Inquiry report on the murders of Congo-Kinshasa Group of Experts members Michael J Sharp and Zaida Catalán in central Kasaï on 12 March...


No safe press haven

President Joseph Kabila's crackdown on reporters has claimed yet another victim and outraged the Mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation du Congo (MONUSCO) in the process.

No news from Kinshasa

Reuters correspondent Aaron Ross became the latest journalist to be forced out of Kinshasa on 4 August. The authorities refused to renew his visa after the agency had...

Desperate for a diamond fix

After three years outside the international market, the government is anxious to return, even though the gems could be profiting the militias

Diamond exports from Central African Republic totalled $60 million in 2012, close to 20% of the government's entire revenue of $335 mn., and half its total exports. This...

Losing control in Kasaï

Kabila benefits from a refugee crisis as politicians use militias against each other. But the President could be burned too

This was never a strife-torn region. The Kasaï provinces had long escaped the fate of less fortunate parts of Congo-Kinshasa but in the past year, violence has grown...

Displaying 191-200 out of 1008 results.