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Displaying 971-980 out of 2430 results.

Staking it all on survival

This year will be about political survival for the regime and Omer el Beshir; and physical survival for many Sudanese trapped in war and poverty

2014 is constitutionally designated as President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir’s last full year in power. The year will be devoted to trying to ensure that Field Marshal...

The state cracks

Big political changes will be needed to relaunch Africa’s newest country and bring it back from the abyss

A long road lies ahead before the mediators can secure a ceasefire between South Sudan’s warring factions, let alone embark on serious negotiations to consolidate a new political...

The political stakes on YouTube

The political issues in dispute are substantial, as can be seen from the leading dissidents who organised a press conference on 6 December in Juba. The conference, which...

From power struggle to uprising

The clashes between rival factions in the SPLA that started in the capital on 15 December are spreading alarmingly fast

The capture of Bor, about 100 kilometres north of Juba, on 18 December by troops loyal to General Peter Gatdet Yaka showed the political and military fragility of...

Secrets of the dam builder

Sudan has now thrown its weight behind the Millennium Dam, at a time when curiosity about the contractor, Salini, was already growing

As Egyptian, Ethiopian and Sudanese ministers sat down to discuss the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on 9 December, one item was notably absent from the agenda. The role...

Salini looks to expand

Salini has merged with a Milan-based multinational construction competitor. A Salini statement said that a September Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Impregilo SpA, a 1.9 billion euro (US$2.6 bn.)...

Shoring up regional support

After a period of defiant independence, Addis Ababa has now, belatedly perhaps, built strong diplomatic support behind the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Before the joint meeting of the...

Saving Field Marshal Omer

President Omer el Beshir promised to step down in 2015 and now he has a new deputy whom he trusts not to turn him over to the ICC

Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir ‘decided to meet his fate with those he trusts most’, said a senior opposition source of the 8 December reshuffle. Some key leaders...

Cape to Cairo, again

Agrogate, an Egyptian private equity group, hopes to start work this month on a hard-top road in Sudan, the 362 kilometre Dongola-Toshke (Argeen) Highway, which will link the...

Counter-terrorism force under attack

Human rights activists target US and British support for Kenya’s security forces over illicit killings, torture and rendition

Complaints that Kenyan anti-terrorist units are engaged in torture, rendition abroad of suspects, 'disappearances' and assassination could threaten United States and British cooperation and financial support. Critics blame...

Displaying 971-980 out of 2430 results.