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Displaying 941-950 out of 2432 results.

Alarm over terror swoop

The government is screening ethnic Somalis and confining refugees to camps. Some question the effectiveness – and motives – of the policy

The security agencies' investigation of the Somali community for links to terrorism is meeting growing criticism. It forms part of the Jubilee Alliance government's response to the attack...

Electrical storm

Some of the government's electricity supply deals – what Energy Minister Sospeter Muhongo called 'shoddy contracts that are a burden to Tanzanians' – are back in the news...

Regime's grip weakens

Hassan Sheikh’s government can’t plug the leaks in public finances while Al Shabaab attacks increase in the capital. It’s a dangerous combination

Somalia is beleaguered on all fronts: terrorist attacks are on the rise, the government cannot tackle the chronic theft of public money and the international community is losing...

Saudi Arabia targets Khartoum

The National Congress Party’s support for Egypt’s Muslim Brothers is exacting a heavy political and economic cost

Financial sanctions on Sudan by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are a political warning shot. The immediate targets are Khartoum's backing for Egypt's banned Muslim Brotherhood...

Kagame mourns – and warns

The 20th commemoration of the genocide of 1994 found the President uncompromising towards France and others he sees as enemies

President Paul Kagame's keynote speech at the Amahoro Stadium on 7 April urged everyone to face up to their responsibilities, since 'the people who planned and carried out...

Militant remembrance

Formally entitled 'Kwibuka 20' (we remember), with the motto 'Remember, Unite, Renew', the concerns of the present were never far away from the commemoration of the past. That...

Terms of abuse

The President's bid to change the constitution to allow him to stand for a third term has failed

The Kinshasa press loudly celebrated the failure of President Pierre Nkurunziza to amend the Burundian constitution at the end of March, a move intended to permit him a...

Taxing troubles

Tax reforms – which almost doubled state revenues over the last three years – are at risk from Bujumbura's elite and disorganised aid groups

What is going wrong with Burundi's impressive tax reforms? Insiders say that corrupt politicians and business people have been fighting back, trying to get exemptions and write-offs. Until...

Dam leak hits Addis

Ethiopia risks isolation in the row with Egypt over the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) now that the previously secret Independent Panel of Experts' report...

A year of living precariously

The ICC’s case against President Kenyatta is in disarray but so are his own political forces and the managers of his grandiose public spending plans

At the presidential inauguration of Uhuru Kenyatta last April, few would have predicted the chaotic current state of the Jubilee Alliance government. Then, almost his sole preoccupation was...


Displaying 941-950 out of 2432 results.