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Displaying 891-900 out of 2430 results.

Bad time for an oil boom

Governance issues would be complicated enough if it weren’t also for the arrival of new guests at the feast

Like its neighbours Tanzania and Uganda, Kenya has found that hydrocarbon discoveries require complicated legal and institutional reforms to manage the resource and deal with investors. The incentives...

Mbabazi on the ropes

The President’s manoeuvres to oust his erstwhile friend as Secretary General of the NRM are accelerating

President Yoweri Museveni aims to limit possible leadership challenges from within the governing National Resistance Movement through wide-ranging changes to the party’s constitution. Currently, the main objective is...

Next stop, Rome

Senior officials from the African Union, European Union and United Nations were at the Police Club House in Khartoum on 13-16 October for the AU's Regional Conference on...

The world according to Khartoum

The smuggling out of what appear to be top secret state documents points to a major security breach in the government

The Khartoum government is yet to react to the circulation of what purport to be detailed minutes of a meeting on 31 August of top security and military...


Khartoum in fact and fiction

Most of the Sudanese activists and officials (serving or former) that we have contacted believe the leaked reports of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) meeting on...

Drama in court

Some 140 members of parliament turned President Uhuru Kenyatta's first appearance at the International Criminal Court on 8 October into something of a circus. Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi...

Security changes mark a sombre anniversary

A year after the Westgate Mall siege, President Kenyatta is reorganising the security services as Somali and local jihadists continue their attacks

The wide-ranging calls for a full inquiry into the handling of the attack by Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen on the Westgate Shopping Mall a year ago...


Al Shabaab shake-up

Militia leaders make overtures to their enemies while the government is mired in financial scandal

In an attempt to terminally weaken Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen, the Somali and United States governments are both trying to exploit the killing of its leader,...

Power fraud unravels

How the government handles the latest power sector scam could have a major impact on President Kikwete’s political legacy

Heads may be about to roll after revelations about the contested transfer of 200 billion Tanzania shillings (US$124 million) from an escrow account in the central bank, the...

Putting US aid to other uses

Museveni uses Obama's security assistance for the fight against Al Shabaab to crack down on the opposition as well

United States' military aid and training in surveillance techniques is helping President Yoweri Museveni's government to crack down on the opposition, say political sources in Kampala. It even...

Displaying 891-900 out of 2430 results.