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Displaying 481-490 out of 2430 results.

How to pay for Salva's jet

A bloated budget giving largesse to the military and politicians but austerity for the rest threatens an already fragile peace

The formation of a unity government has been thrown into doubt again after it was reported this week that Sudan People's Liberation Movement-In-Opposition leader Riek Machar would not...

Fund on standby

New Principal Secretary to the Treasury Julius Muia is hoping that his talks with the International Monetary Fund at its annual meeting on 14-20 October in Washington will...

Bridge of sighs

A bid to build alliances across the country’s ethnic divides owes more to political ambition than to altruism

Due for release in early October, the wide-ranging report of the Building Bridges Initiative looks likely to deepen political conflict despite its lofty aims of lessening ethnic and...


Rushing to the ballot box

Abiy is gambling that he can win an election with a unified coalition, but the campaign could provoke more factionalism

Ethiopia's strained ruling coalition has pledged to hold national elections on time next year and is set to take advantage of the lack of preparation by a recently...

Bridge over troubled finance

Infrastructure development under President John Magufuli is haphazard and expensive

In July, the government contracted Chinese companies to build a 3.2-kilometre bridge across the Mwanza gulf on Lake Victoria. The US$260 million bridge, to be funded out of...

Spending on the hoof

President Kenyatta wants to buy his way to a legacy. Sceptics say the economic outlook does not support this largesse

On an impromptu stop at a function at Mwangoni Primary School in Kwale County on the south coast on 8 September, President Uhuru Kenyatta made an instant personal...

Jubaland row heats up oil tiff

Tensions between Kenya and Somalia are rising fast over a dispute about politics and money in a Somali province

Separate but inter-related arguments over elections in Jubaland and offshore oil blocks claimed by both Kenya and Somalia appear to be coming to a head in the wake...

Juba's payday loan habit

The government’s fondness for pre-selling oil greases the wheels but hurts the exchequer. It’s an addiction that will be hard to break

Developing countries have long been advised against forward-selling their natural resources – often their only source of foreign exchange – in return for upfront cash. The credit is...

Hamdok's appeal

Starting work on 22 August, a day after he was sworn in, new Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok quickly amassed support, ranging from activists in the sit-in outside the...

Displaying 481-490 out of 2430 results.