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Displaying 2411-2416 out of 2416 results.

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KANU has responded to demands for political pluralism by buying up the media

Once among Africa's liveliest, Kenya's newspapers are increasingly in the thrall of the ruling Kenya African National Union. Although President Daniel arap Moi won multi-party elections in 1992,...

Pushing Sylvestre

Tutsi opposition groups allied to the military are trying to oust beleaguered Hutu President Sylvestre Ntibantunganya. The coalition led by Ntibantunganya has so far staved off the creeping...

Inside the Jackal's lair

Behind the Sudan government's dumping of Illich Ramírez Sánchez better known as Carlos Iies not only a web of deals with Paris, but also a storm of disagreement...

Battling for reconciliation

The new Front Patriotique Rwandais government is in danger of squandering the goodwill it had won after its military defeat of those forces, such as the Interahamwé...

How near to a coup?

Last week Uganda was very near to a coup. Rumours of plotting and of coupsd'etat are endemic in Uganda politics, and have become to some extent self-perpetuating –...


Sudan's last chance in the South

With the best of intentions, the interim Sudanese government is trying to end its Southern problem

On Saturday 14 February negotiations will open in Juba between the government, led by the Prime Minister, Sirr el Khatim Khalifa, and representatives of the Southern Front and...


Displaying 2411-2416 out of 2416 results.