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Displaying 2391-2400 out of 2432 results.

Aydeed's legacy

America's arch-enemy is succeeded by his American son while his rivals plot

The death on 1 August of General Mohamed Farah Hassan 'Aydeed' has created opportunities but not many for peace. Within a week of the self-proclaimed President's death, his...

The foreign fronts

Yoweri Museveni is lauded for his success at home; his foreign policy is not so popular

Kampala is caught in two regional conflicts. To the west, President Yoweri Museveni is a key supporter of the Front Patriotique Rwandais government in Kigali and shares its...

No man an island

Anyaoku's Commonwealth visit offers a solution for Zanzibar's warring parties

Zanzibar's politicians have moved a few inches nearer to resolving their quarrel. After meeting both sides on 5-6 August, Commonwealth Secretary General Emeka Anyaoku left proposals with them...

Warning from Addis

Ethiopian forces used tanks and helicopter gunships to attack Islamist militias in three towns in Somalia – Belet-Hawa, Dolo and Lugh – on 8-9 August in an attempt...

Buyoya perhaps

Despite the decision by regional leaders meeting in Arusha on 31 July to impose sanctions on Burundi's new military government until it returns to constitutional rule, international opinion...

Intervention on the agenda

Plans to bring in a foreign military force will have to take account of growing political ambitions in the government army

Hysteria has spread in Burundi with the prospect of an intervention force of Ethiopian, Tanzanian and Ugandan troops. Nevertheless, this force was requested by President Sylvestre Ntibantunganya and...

Hutu guerrillas

Hutu militias are confusing. They often split and often share members. The most significant is the Parti pour la Libération du Peuple Hutu founded, eight years after the...

Bullet proof

Eldoret gets so much largesse that the President's home-boys call it 'Moi town'

Revelations that the government has been discreetly building an ammunition factory in Eldoret have again focused attention on the rapid growth of this Rift-Valley town. President Daniel arap...

Café assassins

Two men casually ate breakfast in an Addis Ababa café on 8 July as they waited for the highest ranking Muslim in the federal government, Transport and Communications...

Displaying 2391-2400 out of 2432 results.