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Displaying 2371-2380 out of 2432 results.

The Sodere spirit

Politicians have begun the year with a peace accord – but Hussein Aydeed stays outside

A new year, a new faction agreement. On 3 January, after six weeks of pool-side discussions at the Ethiopian hot-spring resort of Sodere (AC Vol 37 No 25),...

Itahad international

Al Itahad al Islami, Somalia's main Islamist organisation, says that it intends to become a political party, to the unease of the National Executive Council. NEC members have...

Tough Tinyefuza

A popular general is saying things the government would prefer to keep quiet

The army is struggling with rebels in the north and west and faces escalating hostilities on the Sudan border yet within its own ranks, a war of words...

High rollers roll low

A foreign capital free-for-all won't be enough to rescue the economy

President Albert René's government seems to have run out of steam. The money-men expect a devaluation of the Rupee Seychellois, followed, they hope, by a loan from the...

The oil front

Sudan's National Islamic Front government (AC Vol 37 No 25) faces a military onslaught by opposition forces in Blue Nile province but Arakis is still negotiating to bring...

In the front line again

Asmara's investment drive provokes less interest than its adventurous foreign policy

Combining an assertive foreign policy, hard-nosed economic reforms and a tight rein on domestic politics, President Issayas Aferworki is cast from a similar mould to Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni....

Border brothers

As Zaïre's conflict spreads, Kampala is now fighting or backing rebels on three borders

The chaos in Zaïre was bound to spill across Uganda's dangerous western border and reignite some old rebellions. The latest flash-point is in Uganda's south-western corner, where it...

Costly deals

The tensions between the government' s offensive and its hardline reality are epitomised by the release of three International Committee of the Red Cross hostages on 8 December....

Hope Springs

Hopes of a reconciliation conference have risen with faction leaders' 8 December announcement that they will set up a 'national coordinating council' as the first stage of a...


A tough leader indispensable to outside interests. You're in Nairobi not Kinshasa

After the World Food summit in Rome, where he met fellow East African Presidents Yoweri Museveni and Benjamin Mkapa, President Daniel arap Moi stopped off unexpectedly in London....

Displaying 2371-2380 out of 2432 results.