Vol 38 No 21 | SUDAN Not at ease 24th October 1997 The government's reshuffle of top army posts is widely considered a bid to be seen to be doing something amid rising protest against the pressganging of teenagers for...
Vol 38 No 19 | RWANDA Legacy of war 26th September 1997 Kigali's intervention in Zaïre helped to oust Mobutu but produced no victories at home The transformation of old Zaïre in to the new Democratic Republic of Congo has also transformed the politics of the region around Lake Kivu. Yet insecurity remains endemic...
Vol 38 No 19 | SUDANUNITED KINGDOM Torture charge 26th September 1997 In what is believed to be the first such case ever, a Sudanese doctor has been charged in Scotland with committing torture in the Sudan. On 5 September,...
Vol 38 No 18 | KENYA A sweet tooth 12th September 1997 The government is now beginning to feel the pain of indulging its sweet tooth There is no likelihood in the near future that the International Monetary Fund will resume lending from its US$220 million balance of payments support. The Kenya government has...
Vol 38 No 18 | SOMALIA Looking for leaders 12th September 1997 As factions grow weaker, foreign intervention is in danger of making them stronger again On the face of it, the plan for 25 Somali factions to meet in the north-eastern port of Bossasso in November sounds like a step forward for the...
Vol 38 No 17 | COMOROS Microsplinters 29th August 1997 Two small islands declare independence while demanding recolonisation by France The Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros has again sprung a surprise on the world, with two of its three islands calling (separately) both for independence and for...
Vol 38 No 17 | SOUTH AFRICASUDAN NIF targets Mandela 29th August 1997 President Nelson Mandela's extraordinary peacemaking bid in Sudan, which appears to have pleased only the National Islamic Front, came without South African Foreign Ministry support, Africa Confidential understands....
Vol 38 No 16 | KENYA Saba saba 1st August 1997 The campaign to demand constitutional reform has turned into a full-frontal assault on an increasingly desperate President Moi This is a bad year for authoritarian governments. The dean of despots, Mobutu Sese Seko, was chased out in May, Sudan's Hassan el Turabi faces coordinated military opposition...
Vol 38 No 16 | UGANDA Museveni's backyard 1st August 1997 Sweeping changes in the region have not ended the rebellions against Kampala After helping to bring major changes to neighbouring Congo-Kinshasa and Southern Sudan, the Ugandan armed forces have now escalated their attempts to stamp out Uganda's own rebel movements....
Vol 38 No 16 | ETHIOPIA Still inside 1st August 1997 In AC Vol 38 No 15, we said that Ethiopian Teachers' Association President Taye Wolde Semayat had been freed: we learn that he was released from chains but...