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Displaying 2311-2320 out of 2432 results.

Moi's last lap

Trying to defuse political rows over a new wave of killings in the Rift and election-rigging, KANU wants to concentrate on the succession

The signs are that President Daniel arap Moi’s final term in office will be as troubled as the last two. His victory in the December elections (AC Vol...

All change at the Treasury

Simeon Nyachae’ s promotion to Finance Minister and his predecessor Musalia Mudavadi’s demotion to Agriculture Minister have been accompanied by a thorough-going reorganisation of senior civil servants in...

Righting the rigging

Kenya’s Electoral Commission and Western diplomats have responded with a deafening silence to a confidential report on the 28 December elections by the Democratic Development Donor Group. This...

Political plane crash

he 12 February plane crash which killed First Vice-President Major General El Zubeir Mohamed Salih is one of the biggest blows to the National Islamic Front since it...

Rene´ Inc.

The new political generation believe they can take radical economic change in their stride

Stable politics may be about to produce radical economic changes. On 20 March, the presidential and parliamentary elections are unlikely to upset President France-Albert René or his ruling...

Mountain death

The Defence Minister’s death on 28 January is a hard blow for regime and army. Colonel Firmin Sinzoyiheba and four others died when their helicopter crashed during a...

No frills

p>General Anthony Zenny paid his first visit to Ethiopia as Commander, United States Central Command (which includes Ethiopia), on 22 January. A marine who served with US forces...

Cautious but determined

Economics interrupt the honeymoon with Eritrea but the balancing act goes on

Premier Meles Zenawi maintains his personal friendship with Eritrean President Issayas Aferworki and recently told television viewers that bilateral relations remained 'strong and satisfactory'. Yet he also said...

Close shave

After the elections shambles, President Moi and KANU are still in power - just

It is clear that if the presidential and parliamentary elections had been free, fair and properly organised and if the opposition had not been chronically divided (AC Vol...

'Next year in Kadugli'

The Nuba are caught in the middle but no one has asked them what they want

All eyes are on the south and east in expectation of major fighting between the National Islamic Front government and the opposition National Democratic Alliance. Yet also crucial...

Displaying 2311-2320 out of 2432 results.