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Displaying 2301-2310 out of 2432 results.

Peace means war

The government's latest political weapon is the referendum but it's still fighting the war

As the world briefly noticed the famine in southern Sudan, President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir presented 5,000 tonnes of grain - to Niger. On 6 May, he...

Marking time

The government is buying time, the opposition is wasting it and the human costs are mounting

The opposition National Democratic Alliance has spent months giving a free run to the ruling National Islamic Front. But this is a lull in the conflict, not a...

Famine strikes

This month, as the international media began noticing the famine in Bahr el Ghazal, the SPLA leader, Colonel John Garang, was touring in Eastern Equatoria. Bordering Kenya and...

The China syndrome

President Mkapa has learned some new lessons from old Chinese masters

When Tanzania's founding President, Julius Nyerere, went to China in 1965, he came home and tried to build his country on Chairman Mao Tse Tung's model. The result...

Lumpen logic

The 19 April election of Alhaji Nasser Sebaggala as Mayor of Kampala tests President Yoweri Museveni's tolerance of dissent (AC Vol 38 No 23). It will be a...

Fighting over peace

The faction leaders are getting more weapons but seem to be losing authority

The leaders of Mogadishu's three main factions are still trying to avoid a real peace settlement. Nearly three months after the Cairo agreement that was meant to bring...

Secrets and splits

The main armed opposition, the Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie, has split. On 22 March, its Conseil de Guerre Général Populaire (Popular General War Council)...


Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin chose an odd day to condemn outside interference in Somalia: 18 March, the day Ethiopian troops again crossed into Somalia's Gedo Region to...

The untouchables

Scepticism abounds as President Moi promises to crack down on corruption

The tactical war between President Daniel arap Moi's government and the National Convention Executive Council is on again. This time it is driven by popular anger at the...

Conflict irresolution

Support ebbs for the anti-Buyoya embargo as opposition militias go on the offensive

A hotel-keeper at Butare in southern Rwanda, asked in late January about a convoy of trucks bearing number-plates from Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania, replied: ‘C’est l’embargo qui passe!’...

Displaying 2301-2310 out of 2432 results.