Vol 40 No 2 | SUDANIRAQ Political chemistry 22nd January 1999 A key reason why the United States bombed El Shifa factory on 20 August (AC Vol 39 No 17) was because of its links to Iraq,...
Vol 40 No 1 | SUDANBRITAIN The long arm 8th January 1999 The Pinochet effect persists in Britain with the trial, now expected this March, of a Sudanese doctor who is charged with committing torture and omitting to prevent it...
Vol 40 No 1 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Who dares, loses 8th January 1999 The moratorium on air attacks agreed after June’s raids on Asmara and Makelle (and after phone calls by President Bill Clinton to Premier Meles Zenawi and President Issayas...
Vol 39 No 25 | KENYA Millionaire debtors 18th December 1998 As Nairobi's failing banks call in their loans there is a nasty smell of cronyism Delinquent debtors owe millions of shillings to more than a dozen troubled banks in Kenya. The list includes names from President Daniel arap Moi’s immediate family, that of...
Vol 39 No 25 | KENYA President Moi and the dynasty 18th December 1998 Andrew Morton’s much-vilified biography of Daniel arap Moi (AC 39 No 23) has further lifted the veil on Kenya’s first family. Until now, Moi, divorced from his wife Lena...
Vol 39 No 25 | SOMALIA No nation, new regions 18th December 1998 New regional adminstrations and a police force haven't stopped the clan conflicts A peace settlement still seems as far away as ever in Somalia, with no firm indication that any promised national reconciliation conference will take place in the foreseeable future. But decentralisation...
Vol 39 No 24 | BURUNDI Ending an embargo 4th December 1998 Hopes for peace rise as ethnic politics give way to a new power-sharing deal International pressure is growing to lift the embargo imposed on Burundi by its neighbours. Until now Tanzania and Uganda have been the main backers of the sanctions which...
Vol 39 No 24 | UGANDA Asking the people 4th December 1998 Yoweri Museveni is far ahead of his political rivals but criticisms of the NRM are growing Two years before the referendum asking Ugandans whether they want to return to multi-party politics, the ruling National Resistance Movement is taking no chances. It seems to have...
Vol 39 No 23 | KENYA Before the storm 20th November 1998 The recent political calm conceals the contest for Moi's inheritance A great campaign of historical revisionism has begun. Led by President Daniel arap Moi and his sons, it presents Moi as a caring statesman who did great things for his...
Vol 39 No 23 | SUDAN Business front 20th November 1998 Rebel gains on the eastern front, bordering Ethiopia, now threaten business interests crucial to the National Islamic Front regime. The local Sudan People’s Liberation Army commander, Malik Agar,...