Vol 40 No 20 | SOMALIA No proxy peace 8th October 1999 While many in Somalia push for peace (AC Vol 40 No 19), Ethiopia is pressing its allies for quicker military results against Eritrea's ally, Hussein 'Aydeed'. The 'Somali...
Vol 40 No 19 | KENYA Phone sects 24th September 1999 Powerful politicians are making sure the wrong people don't pick up the phones A major row is brewing over the political independence of the Communications Commission of Kenya, the regulatory body meant to oversee the privatisation of Kenya's beleaguered telecommunications sector....
Vol 40 No 19 | SUDANAFRICA Blow up 24th September 1999 As the opposition attacks Khartoum's new pipeline, Colonel Gadaffi tries to mediate The opposition fighters who blew a hole in the government's new oil pipeline on 19 September also blew apart its campaign to convince the world that it has...
Vol 40 No 19 | SUDAN Pipe bombs 24th September 1999 The 19 September attack on the brand new, 1,600-kilometre export pipeline proves two points: firstly, the falsehood of the claim by the National Islamic Front government that the...
Vol 40 No 19 | SOMALIA Building blocks 24th September 1999 Reconstructing the state step-by-step is showing results - but outsiders stay sceptical Countless peace conferences have failed to pacify Somalia, including the latest, in Cairo in December 1997, whose collapse seemed to condemn the country to yet more clan wars...
Vol 40 No 18 | RWANDAUGANDA Friends fall out 10th September 1999 The 2-year alliance between Museveni and Kagame is in trouble over Congo strategy In the late 1970s, the old Front Patriotique Rwandais (then exiled in Uganda and Tanzania) had joined forces with Museveni's National Resistance Movement to help oust two Ugandan...
Vol 40 No 18 | BURUNDI Nervous tension 10th September 1999 Rising violence forces Buyoya to rethink tactics at the Arusha peace talks There has also been bitter fighting in Bujumbura itself, where about 60 people died on 28 August including, according to the army, 20 of the Hutu rebels who...
Vol 40 No 18 | KENYA Moi's no-shuffle 10th September 1999 Only the desks were reshuffled in President Daniel arap Moi's 6 September cabinet changes, billed as a move to cut costs and boost efficiency. The World Bank and...
Vol 40 No 17 | SUDAN Gas mask 27th August 1999 Ten years after the National Islamic Front government agreed that the United Nations could carry relief to all 'war-affected populations', the UN's Operation Lifeline Sudan has taken its...
Vol 40 No 17 | BURUNDI No jogging 27th August 1999 Even Bujumbura's early morning groups of joggers are being stopped and searched by gendarmes posted around the city by order of Burundi's ruler, Major Pierre Buyoya (AC Vol...