Vol 40 No 25 | RWANDA Advantage Kigali 17th December 1999 The government has won its latest row with the UN over genocide trials Tracking down the perpetrators of the 1994 genocide continues to dominate Rwandan politics. At home, an anti-corruption drive is running alongside fresh allegations of complicity in the genocide...
Vol 40 No 25 | RWANDA Off-side 17th December 1999 Vice-President Paul Kagame is said to be seething after four of Rwanda's best footballers, including team Captain Jean-Paul Nsengiyunva, absconded while on tour in Germany.
Vol 40 No 25 | UGANDA Muddy 17th December 1999 Allegations of Ugandan complicity in supplying arms to the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola rebels are always met with flat denials from President Yoweri Museveni's...
Vol 40 No 24 | SUDAN Hostile homeland 3rd December 1999 The opposition's swift rejection of the 25 November agreement between the National Islamic Front and Umma Party has surprised both signatories. National Democratic Alliance leaders were 'unanimous' in...
Vol 40 No 23 | SUDAN A gambit too far 19th November 1999 The National Islamic Front's bid to smash the opposition while convincing outsiders it seeks reconciliation has provoked the normally taciturn Saudi Arabian government into denying reports that it...
Vol 40 No 22 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Ceasefire under threat 5th November 1999 The OAU peace deal between Asmara and Addis Ababa is hanging by a thread as both sides rearm and turn up the war rhetoric Ethiopia and Eritrea are set to start fighting again (AC Vol 40 Nos 4 & 9). Neither trusts the other and each accuses the other of preparing for...
Vol 40 No 22 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Battling for Badme 5th November 1999 Badme, taken by Eritrea in May 1998, has this year been the focus of several deadly battles. In February, Ethiopia attacked with artillery, then aircraft and tanks, then...
Vol 40 No 22 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Getting DC's drift 5th November 1999 Ethiopia is angry at what it sees as the international failure to condemn Eritrean aggression. When receiving the new United States' Ambassador to Ethiopia, Tibor Nagy, in early...
Vol 40 No 21 | TANZANIA After Mwalimu 22nd October 1999 When Tanzanians stop mourning their Pan-African hero, they will have to work hard to keep the peace he left them Saddened by the death of their founding President, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, in London on 14 October, Tanzanians face a difficult run-up to the elections due next year without...
Vol 40 No 21 | BURUNDI Losing a peacemaker 22nd October 1999 The mediator died just when his services were most needed The loss of Tanzania's Julius Nyerere on 14 October coincided with a serious worsening of Burundi's internal conflict. Since 18 August, when they made several raids on the...