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Displaying 2141-2150 out of 2416 results.

Ungracious winner

President Museveni's crushing victory raises concerns about the return of personal rule

Losing is completely hypothetical. It will not happen,' President Yoweri Museveni told journalists in Kampala on the eve of the presidential election on 13 March. He did not...

Leave it to Sally

The President's bright woman takes over from the dream team

President Daniel arap Moi declared last month that women don't reach the pinnacle of public life because their brains are too small. Shortly afterwards, he appointed Dr. Sally...

Caution, lobbies at work

Oil, religion and human rights - a powerful mixture for Bush's new government to digest

The debate on Washington's Sudan policy touches two of the Republican government's core constituencies, big oil and the religious right. Their countervailing pressures may delay a radical shift...

Death knocks twice

In one week, Sudan has lost two leaders, one much loved and respected and one widely hated and feared. The contrast could not be greater between Yousif Kuwa...

Opening new fronts in the oil war

Petrodollars are financing Khartoum's diplomacy and its war against the south

The Khartoum regime's drive to become a major oil producer is systematically killing Sudan's southern citizens and and destroying their homes. Backed by Western and Asian companies, this...

A stake in the oil war

Foreign companies benefitting from the oil bonanza include: The pipeline: built by the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the line consists half of Chinese pipe, half of...

Rose thou art sick

The position of Civil Service chief Richard Leakey is threatened by court proceedings alleging that he unconstitutionally intervened in a fraud case against the Dutch Bank ABN-Amro. The...

Meles the winner

It's been a tough few weeks for Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. Eritrean intransigence over the United Nations' Temporary Security Zone between the two armies has delayed implementation of...

Cat and mouse

Constitutionally President Moi must step down from office but he may still hold onto the levers of power

When President Daniel arap Moi met the President of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Horst Köhler, Kenya's stalled economic...

Displaying 2141-2150 out of 2416 results.