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Displaying 2131-2140 out of 2432 results.


The President has gaoled the reformers ahead of the ruling party's congress

Critics of President Issayas Afeworki complain about his autocratic style. On 18 September, he proved their point, when six of his critics in the ruling People's Front for...

Negating the negatives

There is growing concern in Kigali and Bujumbura about the consequences of efforts by Congo-Kinshasa's President Joseph Kabila to expel the 'negative forces', the hardline militias involved in...

Moi versus the economy

Galloping inflation, sinking export prices and corruption are bigger problems for the President than the opposition

President Daniel arap Moi has run out of promises. The Board of the International Monetary Fund refuses to unblock further loans - in particular, a hoped for quick...

Mixed Marriage

The wedding of the Kenya African National Union and the National Democratic Party was consummated in a carnival atmosphere at the Moi International Sports Complex outside Nairobi on...

By a whisker

President René's narrow victory showed that change is in the air

Three thousand more votes for the priest and it would have been curtains for 'the Boss'. Yet after 24 years of paternalistic socialism, plus lucrative capitalism for some,...

Of tuna and tourists

When supermarkets run out of imported toilet paper and shoppers fight for the last disposable nappies, there's a problem - in Seychelles, if not in most African countries....


Allegations about the brutal eviction of miners are being tested again

Environmental activists are demanding an international investigation into allegations that over 50 people were killed when Tanzanian police cleared the area surrounding the Bulyanhulu gold mine in 1996....

A sort of peace

The Mandela peace deal is better than none but its far from final

Regional peacemakers are now embroiled in the minutiae of the Arusha Accords on ending Burundi's eight-year civil war, amid general scepticism that the power-sharing agreement brokered by Nelson...

Delusions of peace

Egypt and Libya intervene to block southern and northern opposition hopes while the NIF plays off everyone against each other

'Egypt possesses cards it has not yet used for preventing the separation of southern Sudan'. Thus spake Cairo's Ambassador to Khartoum, Mohamed Asim Ibrahim, in June 2000. Egypt...

Keeping them talking

Ever since it seized power on 30 June 1989, the National Islamic Front has been declaring its desire for peace while accelerating the war. The first speech by...

Displaying 2131-2140 out of 2432 results.