Vol 42 No 23 | RWANDAUGANDA Picking a fight 23rd November 2001 British Development Minister Clare Short's intercession in Whitehall didn't stop Rwanda and Uganda banging war drums elsewhere. As Presidents Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni were signing their London...
Vol 42 No 23 | SOUTH AFRICASUDAN Guns for hire again 23rd November 2001 A born-again Executive Outcomes operation is at the centre of allegations of a military contract between ex-South African Defence Force soldiers and the Sudanese army. A former director...
Vol 42 No 22 | KENYA It's better abroad 9th November 2001 Moi's foreign policies are a handy diversion from the race to succeed him The heat is off. Skillfully turning the American calamity of 11 September to diplomatic advantage, President Daniel arap Moi was among the first African leaders to sign up...
Vol 42 No 22 | SOMALIA Usama's allies 9th November 2001 Somalia is moving up the agenda: the United States believes Al Qaida may have used Al Itahaad's bases there as operational staging posts. In particular, that Al Itahaad...
Vol 42 No 21 | ETHIOPIA October evolution 26th October 2001 Power is shifting from party to Premier – and maybe, to the people October has been good for Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. He has appointed a new President, reshuffled his cabinet, won gushing tributes from Western diplomats and donors, and turned...
Vol 42 No 21 | BURUNDICONGO-KINSHASA Piecemeal 26th October 2001 Nelson Mandela's plan annoys almost eveyone but there's no alternative in sight We are on the verge of reaching a breakthrough which will bring permanent peace and stability', said Nelson Mandela, former South African President and Burundi's peace mediator, on...
Vol 42 No 21 | BURUNDICONGO-KINSHASA Walk out 26th October 2001 The Kinshasa government's abandonment of the Inter-Congolese dialogue on 19 October raises new doubts about its commitment to the Lusaka peace accord. Foreign Minister Léonard She Okitundu and...
Vol 42 No 20 | SUDANUNITED STATES Who's selling who? 12th October 2001 The Islamist International needs its friends in Khartoum but the price is rising Sudan's government is walking a tightrope. Since the United States' and British bombing of Afghanistan began on 7 October, the threat to the National Islamic Front (aka National...
Vol 42 No 20 | ERITREA Hagos heads home 12th October 2001 As war-hero-turned-dissident Mesfin Hagos prepares to return home to near certain imprisonment for criticising President Issayas Afewerki, international pressure is mounting on the government to reverse its recent...
Vol 42 No 20 | RWANDA People's courts 12th October 2001 The caseload from the 1994 genocide has left 115,000 suspects in gaol, detained but not convicted, in conditions which human rights advocates call inhuman. A few alleged leaders...