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Displaying 2111-2120 out of 2432 results.

The generation game

President Moi gives the grey politicians another chance in the succession race

Inscrutable as the Sphinx, President Daniel arap Moi confers favour on one faction, then withdraws it the next day. Even his most vehement opponents salute his political cunning....

In a word

The ceasefire for the Nuba Mountains which the National Islamic Front government signed with the Sudan People's Liberation Army in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, on 19 January, went (with NIF...

Everything is risky

President Kagame prepares for national elections while his exiled military opponents regroup in Congo-Kinshasa

In our situation everything we do is risky...' General Paul Kagame told Africa Confidential on 9 December in Kigali as he explained plans to open up the country's...

Donor diplomacy

Donors heaped praise on Finance Minister Donald Kaberuka's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper launched in Kigali late last month. The PRSP has to be designed and implemented before Rwanda...

Offal and waffle

Many unusual cargoes have been delivered to Sudan in recent years, as former resident Usama bin Laden knows. Yet one of the strangest (though not necessarily most dangerous)...

Moving target

A state in turmoil offers no safe haven for terrorists feeling the onslaught in Afghanistan

If Usama bin Laden and his comrades headed for Somalia, they could find it even less comfortable than Afghanistan. American and French ships patrol the coastline and blockade...

Mkapa winds it up

As Zanzibar calms down, corruption and recession hit the mainland

From now on, I will sleep more soundly', said President Benjamin Mkapa at the signing, on 10 October, of an agreement between Zanzibar's warring political parties. The pact...

Gems for the martyrs

Tanzanite is a purple-brown crystal that, when superheated, turns into a pretty blue gem. Tanzanite sales in the United States alone are reckoned to be worth more than...

Brothers at war

Personal rivalries and war spoils spark a new crisis between Kigali and Kampala

Rwanda and Uganda risk repeating the disaster which overtook the equally revolutionary governments of Eritrea and Ethiopia, whose war in 1998-2000 cost over 100,000 lives and wrecked both...

Displaying 2111-2120 out of 2432 results.