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Displaying 2071-2080 out of 2432 results.

Of ranch and rupees

In the 6 December legislative election, President France-Albert René's Seychelles People's Progressive Front polled just one per cent above the two-thirds majority needed to change the constitution and...

Mwai's moment

The rainbow coalition looks like the people's choice ahead of President Moi's retirement

Opposition politicians have their best chance in a decade of winning power in the presidential and parliamentary elections due on 27 December. Economic hardship and intra-party feuding have...

Death in Darfur

Despite the Machakos peace talks, government atrocities continue in Darfur

As the National Islamic Front government and Sudan People's Liberation Army reached a 'measure of understanding on the texts on Structures of Government and revenue sharing' at Machakos,...

Multi-party, single party

The next president is being picked by a party caucus, not by the people

The next elections may be a long way off in 2005 but the campaign began last week in Dodoma. Manoeuvring began at the Congress of the governing Chama...

Proxy wars and slaughter

The confused killing in eastern Congo involves politics, tribalism and greed

Rwanda and Uganda have pulled out their troops (AC Vol 43 No 19) but the proxy war continues in eastern Congo. On 15 August in Luanda, Uganda agreed...

Leaving the quagmire

Kigali's withdrawal of troops from Congo creates problems for everyone

According to a sympathetic diplomat, the Kigali government has 'achieved in eight years what has taken 50 in Israel ­ the loss of the moral high ground after...

KANU at war

Self-declared politics professor President Daniel arap Moi is trying to bring his ruling Kenya African National Union to order before its 8 October conference at Kasarani to nominate...

Over the rainbow

The outgoing President Moi wants to pick his successor, despite the challenge from dissenters in the party's Rainbow Alliance

'There is no crisis in our country,' a stern-faced President Daniel arap Moi told a National Executive meeting of the ruling Kenya African National Union (KANU) on 9...

Peace talk, but is it real?

The main warring factions will meet, all of them split and militant

The Burundian government is set to start negotiations with the two most formidable militias left out of the 2000 power sharing agreement government whose Tutsi president, General Pierre...

Displaying 2071-2080 out of 2432 results.