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Displaying 2061-2070 out of 2432 results.

Killing fields

Oil money is again exacerbating the war. A consortium operated by state-owned China National Petroleum Company has made a 'very significant' strike in Block 7 of east-central Sudan's...

Musyoka's message

Foreign Minister Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka's swing through Washington and London last week reinforced the aid-for-security cooperation trade-off dominating Kenyan policy. President Mwai Kibaki's government will get military training...

Saving salvation

The NIF has won over Europeans and Arabs but US patience is wearing thin

The contrast could not have been starker. On 30 January, Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha opened the first stretch of a road to Ethiopia, dispatching 25 lorries of...

The oil offensive, continued

As the Machakos talks stumble on, the National Islamic Front government's month-old offensive in Western Upper Nile (WUN) has occasioned only 'deep concern' from the United States. Yet...

On the mend

Constitutional and economic reform top the new government's priority list

Optimists have suggested that Kenya's wheelchair-bound President Mwai Kibaki is a metaphor for the national condition: physically constrained but spiritually indomitable or in Kenya's new political parlance, 'unbwogable'....


While obstructing the Machakos talks by refusing to discuss the north-south buffer zone and other key issues, the National Islamic Front (National Congress) government is boosting its military...

The big men look to the future

As President Moi prepares to retire, his fello septuagenarian President Mugabe continues the battle for power

Holding their collective breath, Kenyans expect a new government by the new year and the peaceable retirement of their leader of 24 years, 78-year-old Daniel arap Toroitich Moi....

Two helpings of peace

Peace deals for both Congo-Kinshasa and Burundi, brokered by South Africa, will be tested early in 2003. The Congo deal, signed in Pretoria on 17 December, proposes a...

Displaying 2061-2070 out of 2432 results.