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Displaying 2001-2010 out of 2432 results.

Inquiries, no answers

This week, another former senior civil servant, Finance Ministry Permanent Secretary Wilfred Koinange, accused ex-President Daniel arap Moi of ordering an illegal transfer of US$76 million of state...

Deadly anniversary

The regime prepares to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the genocide

Six months after his Front Patriotique Rwandais swept the board at last year's presidential and parliamentary elections, President Paul Kagame is still putting his regime in order (AC...

Friends wanted

The military threat from abroad is at last diminishing. Tension with Uganda is subsiding in the wake of the most recent meeting between President Paul Kagame and President...

Going Dutch

Peace hopes are rising again after the 19-20 January talks at the Hague between President Domitien Ndayizéyé and Agathon Rwasa, leader of the only militia still fighting, the...

Cart before horse

An offer of aid may tempt the last rebel movement in from the cold

The Bujumbura government and the international donors in the Forum for Burundi may have put the cart before the horse. In Brussels on 13-14 January, they put together...

Gun law

Belgian-based Groupe George Forrest has energetically rejected reports by a United Nations panel of experts and international human rights groups criticising its mining operations in Congo-Kinshasa as exploitative...

Compassion fatigue

In 1984 BBC journalist Michael Buerk made a powerful television film of Ethiopia's 'biblical famine'. In an anniversary film this month, Buerk concluded things had not improved ­...

No mistake

Khartoum's surprise announcement of a month's break in the peace talks worries Washington. It had expected a peace deal for President George Bush to celebrate in his State...

One year under the Rainbow

The ruling coalition looks untidy but President Kibaki is moving ahead

On the night of 11 December, while President Mwai Kibaki was preparing to celebrate 40 years of Kenya's Independence, his Minister for Public Works, Raila Amolo Odinga, was...

Displaying 2001-2010 out of 2432 results.