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Displaying 1981-1990 out of 2432 results.

Nairobi's nomenklatura

An emerging elite of business people and politicians is jockeying for influence and contracts

The business and political sands have shifted since President Mwai Kibaki took office in January 2003. Some loyal business retainers of the Daniel arap Moi era have been...

People's power

President Museveni's third term bid is splitting the governing party he so patiently built

The desire to stay in power for a third term could prove the chink in President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni's well-maintained armour. It has divided his National Resistance Movement...

The LRA fights on

After a brief rest, the Lord's Resistance Army under Joseph Kony has slaughtered more defenceless civilians in displaced camps in northern Uganda. In Pagak on 16 May, the...

A long, long wait

The day-long delay in signing the latest protocol between the National Islamic Front governmentment and the Sudan People's Liberation Army in Kenya on 26 May points to disagreements...

Desperate Darfur

The government continues to block humanitarian aid and a third of a million lives are at risk

It was an operation typical of the one-two punch used in Darfur by the government's regular forces, hand in glove with the irregular forces known as Janjaweed. The...

A rebel's story

The commander of the Sudan Liberation Army's Messalit forces, Khamis Abdullah Abaker, was one of the first villagers to organise self-defence units. He described how in 1998-2003, he...

Tragic contradictions

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who on the anniversary of the start of Rwanda's genocide raised the possibility of military intervention in Darfur, has been trying to galvanise...

The family khaki

Despite his retirement from the army, President Museveni is closer to the military than ever

When President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni retired from the army on 6 April, 18 years after his National Resistance Army seized power, his promotion to full general that day...

Mass murder

Ten years after Rwanda's genocide, the NIF regime kills and displaces tens of thousands of civilians in Darfur – with impunity

Civilians in Darfur continue to die as a result of the National Islamic Front regime's ethnic cleansing and in the absence of serious diplomatic pressure. United Nations Secretary...

Algerian bullets

Late last month, an Ilyushin-76 aircraft with clear Algerian air force markings unloaded ten tonnes of ammunition at Abéché airport, 170 kilometres from Chad's border with Sudan, say...

Displaying 1981-1990 out of 2432 results.