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Displaying 1871-1880 out of 2416 results.

All eyes on the islands

With the ruling party certain to win the mainland, Zanzibar will see a delicate balance

Although the United Republic of Tanzania has a population of 32 million people and the tiny islands of Zanzibar have only one million, the eyes and ears of...

Kikwete opts for continuity

The candidate of the governing Chama cha Mapinduzi for the presidency of Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete, has been conducting a vigorous campaign all over the country and is being...

Moving the Movement

The threat of a boycott may be the opposition's most powerful weapon in next year's elections

With the present rules and political climate opposition parties, even in an alliance, stand no chance of ousting President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his National Resistance Movement in...

Cross to bear

The arrest of a Belgian Roman Catholic priest has revived controversy over Rwanda's gacaca tribunals. With unprecedented speed, on 11 September the gacaca sent Guy Theunis, of the...


The aid which keeps nearly three million displaced people in Darfur alive and which is critical to tens of thousands of returning Southerners is threatened by a new...

Banana-skin vote

There's many a slip ahead, in the referendum and its constitutional consequences

Kenyan voters will be asked to vote 'Yes' (a banana symbol) or 'No' (an orange) on 21 November, in a referendum on ratification of the proposed new constitution....

Githongo picks up the glove

Exiled anti-corruption czar John Githongo is to return to Kenya next month to hand a detailed dossier on his investigations into parliament's Public Accounts Committee. This follows a...


The government cannot get to the capital, where Islamists and many others reject it

President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's plans for foreign troops to provide the security he needs to allow him to go back to Mogadishu are still blocked. After much international...

Islamists at work

Al Itihaad al Islamia (AIAI, Islamic Unity), the most fervent and best organised of Somalia's Islamist groups, has links to several members of the Transitional Federal Government now...


Relations with the European Union are cooling sharply. EU election observers roundly criticised the 15 May general elections, infuriating Premier Meles Zenawi. The head of the EU Election...

Displaying 1871-1880 out of 2416 results.