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Displaying 1751-1760 out of 2432 results.

Caught in the act

An Amnesty report claims that Russia and China are supplying arms to Sudan for use against Darfur civilians

Pressure for a no-fly zone in Darfur and tougher United Nations' sanctions on Khartoum will increase after Amnesty International's report on 7 May detailing the regime's flouting of...

Noble's demise

Mourners thronged Saint John's cathedral in Fort Portal, western Uganda, on 4 May for the funeral of former military intelligence chief and presidential aide, Brigadier Noble Mayombo.

Judges swoop

The struggle to shed light on the 1995 death of French Judge Bernard Borrel in Djibouti continues.

The great gamble

Ethiopia and others bet on the TFG

A few weeks ago, it looked as if relative calm was returning to Mogadishu, but violence has soared again. Ethiopia says it wants its forces to leave but...

The Jihadists' friend

Eritrea now condemns foreign involvement in Somalia. Last year, it sent large quantities of arms and fighters, and a training mission, to the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), then...

Mogadishu clear up

President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed claimed last week, in Addis Ababa, that the situation in Mogadishu was improving. Very few would agree now, after heavy fighting and mass casualties....

The past awakes

On 19 April, the trial opened of the man accused of causing the death of ten United Nations' peacekeepers on 7 April 1994. The indictment says Major...

Showing who's boss

President Yoweri Museveni's plan to sell a piece of the Mabira Forest to the Mehta Group for sugar production has triggered violence by demonstrators and security services.

Rendition confusion

The United States' War on Terror is catching many innocent people in its crossfire and hundreds of these are held incommunicado by the Ethiopian and Kenyan authorities on...

No-party politics rule

A failed London fund-raiser exposes the money wrangles behind the opposition's usual splits

Kenya, with neither a governing coalition nor an effective opposition, has become a democratic no-party state. The opposition alliance of convenience, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), is fighting...

Displaying 1751-1760 out of 2432 results.