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Displaying 1741-1750 out of 2432 results.

In denial, in extremis

The United Nations' Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Darfur of 8 June sets targets and deadlines with which it says the Sudanese regime should comply....

Unlikely meeting of minds

President Abdullahi's government makes some progress but it still isn't trusted

Despite widespread scepticism, a Somali National Reconciliation Congress is now due in Mogadishu on 16 July. It offers to reconcile the clans without which no national political reconciliation...

Warriors by proxy

With Somalia looking more settled, Ethiopia has been looking towards Eritrea, which it sees as the regional spoiler. On 8 June, Addis Ababa wrote to the United Nations...

Campaign confusion

Rival personalities and ethnicities divide the coalitions seeking power in December

The electors may be excused for being confused. As the race to the December elections picks up, they face a choice between two coalitions that bicker constantly within...

Terror comes home to roost

A concerted attack on the violent Mungiki sect began in earnest on 4 June after two police officers were shot dead in the Mathare slums, a stronghold of...

Sanction action

If they do little else, United States' sanctions on Sudan, strengthened on 29 May, draw attention to the scope for economic pressure on the Islamist regime.

Room at the top

The death of the President's closest military advisor opens a quiet succession contest

The untimely death from acute pancreatitis of Brigadier Noble Mayombo was widely lamented. He was a top intelligence officer, Private Secretary to Defence Minister Crispus Kiyonga and tipped...

In the front ranks

With the President's ear, Brigadier Noble Mayombo was one of the most influential officers in the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF). President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is Commander-in-Chief and...


Praising the government's private sector growth initiatives earlier this year at the prestigious United States' Yale University, East Africa tycoon Reginald Mengi stressed the need to be 'careful'...

Africa's mission undermined

A weak hybrid force of African Union and United Nations troops with little or no reconnaissance or intelligence capacity looks the most probable outcome of the negotiations on...

Displaying 1741-1750 out of 2432 results.