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Displaying 1731-1740 out of 2432 results.

Going wrong again

The rebel Forces Nationales de Libération (FNL) were supposed to negotiate a cease-fire with the government. On 21 July their chief, Jean-Berchmans Ndayishimiye, walked out, followed by his...

Boiling point

Eritrea and Ethiopia, whose leaders detest each other, are clashing on three regional issues. Moreover, hawks in Addis believe – rightly or wrongly – that Ethiopia's support for...

Salva's shuffle

The Juba government is preparing a more militant response to Khartoum's political and economic obstructionism

Southern President Salva Kiir Mayardit wants to get a stronger grip on his government as dissatisfaction grows and tensions mount with the Khartoum government. Salva has effectively...

Jacques et le juge

Police raids on the house of ex-President Jacques Chirac's Africa advisor Michel de Bonnecourse on 9 and 10 July raise the stakes in the investigation into claims by...

Tower of power

The Kigali government's plan to provide air traffic control systems across the whole of central Africa, where airspace is mostly unmonitored, could earn Rwanda as much as US$156...

Politics of the sieve

The government has been sitting on a multimillion dollar scandal at the Bank of Tanzania, waiting for it to erupt. It has.

The 'government will continue fighting against carelessness and make sure public servants deliver to the expectations of the wananchi [citizens] and the government'. While President Jakaya Kikwete was...

Economics of the sieve

Millions of dollars in revenue from natural resources slip past the government's coffers due to smuggling, a lack of administrative capacity and collusion with politicians. No less than...

At the barrel of a gun

International pressure has at last forced Khartoum to agree to a UN-backed protection force in Darfur but the struggle won't stop there

A mixture of scepticism and hope greets Khartoum's claims that it has unconditionally accepted that around 20,000 peacekeepers will be deployed in Darfur by 2008. Interested governments and...

Intelligent design

Claims that Sudan gives the United States intelligence on Al Qaida in Somalia and Iraq - and Khartoum's rapid denial - have revived important questions. Does this 'intelligence...

Displaying 1731-1740 out of 2432 results.