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Displaying 1721-1730 out of 2432 results.

Trebles all round

It was no coincidence that the sudden decision by MPs last week to support a long-prepared amendment barring Kenya’s Anti-Corruption Commission from investigating cases prior to May 2003...

Darfur deadlines

Western troop contributors fall behind schedule while Khartoum expels Western diplomats and aid workers

The United Nations has missed its first deadline for deploying peacekeepers in Darfur - not because of African Union recalcitrance but because non-African governments failed to offer specialised...

Leaky bucket

The leaking of a report detailing how former President Daniel arap Moi's family and associates have stolen more than US$2 billion of state revenues was timed to cause...

Politicians overboard

Two key players have jumped from the opposition coalition but that will not assure President Kibaki of victory

It was a bad month for Kenya's opposition, after personal rivalries came to a head and leading politicians split off to run their own campaigns. They will probably...

Mission improbable

Khartoum's schemings, political rows and logistical shortages are undermining the Darfur peacekeeping force

African Union Commission Chairman Alpha Oumar Konaré's statement in Khartoum on 12 August that the planned 26,000-strong peacekeeping force for Darfur would be entirely African and his criticisms...

Half and half

The United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) is half of the process; the other half involves negotiations between rebels and regime. This requires a common platform for...

Who's Who in the war and peace talks

The Sudan Liberation Movement faction of Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur boycotted this month's Arusha talks. This matters because it is the second largest military group and...


Under growing international pressure, Khartoum's National Congress (aka National Islamic Front) is uncovering 'internal plots'. On 14 July, it arrested Umma Party renegade and former minister Mubarek Abdullahi...

The Millennium deal

Political compromises could mark the start of a new style for both government and opposition

To satisfy both domestic expediency and international pressure, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has commuted the life sentences passed on 35 of his opponents. That was expected and it...

Displaying 1721-1730 out of 2432 results.