Vol 48 No 25 | KENYA Raila and Team Tinga 14th December 2007 Odinga's oranges rally round Raila Odinga's political organisation is much better coordinated and more focused than Mwai Kibaki's divided house. This is surprising given the disparate origins of Odinga's support base and...
Vol 48 No 25 | KENYA From the Muthaiga Club to the hustings 14th December 2007 Who's who in the Kibaki campaign In President Mwai Kibaki's campaign, the following groups compete for influence:
Vol 48 No 24 | RWANDA Moving on 30th November 2007 Wooing the Commonwealth is only one of Rwanda’s approaches to its region and the wider world After its terrible years of turmoil, Rwanda was reasserting its place in the world well before last week's Commonwealth summit considered its possible membership. In June, it...
Vol 48 No 24 | RWANDACOMMONWEALTH On the edges of the club 30th November 2007 Rwanda became a virtual member of the Commonwealth at its 23-25 November summit in Kampala, partly due to President Yoweri Museveni's energetic support for visiting President Paul Kagame...
Vol 48 No 24 | SOMALIA A new man in Mogadishu 30th November 2007 If new Prime Minister Nur Adde can talk to the opposition and clan leaders, he might just help to stop the slaughter Much depends on the new Prime Minister. Nur Hassan Hussein 'Adde' was sworn in on 24 November, after Parliament had endorsed him with only one abstention. With good...
Vol 48 No 24 | ETHIOPIA Ethiopia's options 30th November 2007 Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government has three options for its Somalia policy, all of them formidably difficult.
Vol 48 No 24 | KENYASUDAN The wrong report 30th November 2007 Kenya and the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) are suppressing debate about increasing tension between Khartoum and the Government of Southern Sudan, and the resilience of the 2005...
Vol 48 No 24 | UGANDACOMMONWEALTH Regal rivalry 30th November 2007 The Commonwealth summit last week provided an unrivalled opportunity for local monarchists to promote their own political agenda through unabashed adoration of Britain's octogenarian sovereign, portrayed in local...
Vol 48 No 23 | UGANDA Problematic peace as the Commonwealth meets 16th November 2007 The government wants a peace deal to show its guests but the rebels do not want to go to gaol One billboard proclaimed: '1.6 billion eyes on Uganda'. As the country rushes around making last-minute preparations for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) on 23-25 November, officials...
Vol 48 No 23 | UGANDA Two hotels go missing 16th November 2007 Uganda is ready for CHOGM!', shout the billboards. Traffic lights are being erected, crater-like potholes filled in, police trained - all for this month's Commonwealth Heads of Government...