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Displaying 1611-1620 out of 2416 results.

Abyei - a border that shapes the future

As the International Criminal Court laid charges of genocide against President Omer el Beshir on 14 July, Africa Confidential obtained a United Nations' internal report that blames the Khartoum regime for much of the death and destruction in Abyei in May. The report criticises the UN's shortcomings in Sudan but also notes that government bomber aircraft targeted aid headquarters and that local people regard goverment strategy as ethnic cleansing.

The immediate trigger for the crisis over Abyei is Khartoum's refusal to accept a ruling made by the Abyei Boundaries Commission (ABC) under the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement...

Pirates of the Horn

The brigands of the sea make big money and threaten their country with mass starvation

Somalia faces a worsening food crisis, largely ignored in the graphic reports of clashes between President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's regime and its nationalist and Islamist opponents (AC Vol...

War crimes

Will Khartoum finally drop President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir, charged on 14 July with ten counts of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity? That is what...

Land grab

Plots in the 3,000 acre Moi Ndabi settlement scheme in Naivasha were laid out by the government in 1994 for victims of ethnic clashes. They went instead to...

Wako's war

Attorney General Amos Wako's delays in prosecuting officials accused of involvement in the Anglo Leasing scandals (AC Vol 45 No 11) means the Kenyan courts may dismiss the...

A slightly cracked coalition

The power-sharing government is shaken by scandals and tales of mass murder but nobody sees an alternative

Three months after the painful formation of a grand coalition government (AC Vol 49 No 11), there is talk of a 'grand opposition'. Two developments encourage this. ...

Kony causes trouble again

The rebel chief Kony's refusal to make peace causes trouble between Uganda and South Sudan

On 30 June, Southern Sudan's Vice-President Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon ordered the Ugandan People's Defence Forces out of the country, accusing the UPDF of kidnapping and killing a...

The competition heats up

As oil exploration continues apace on Lake Albert, Uganda and Congo threaten to make business difficult for foreign companies

Companies drilling on the Ugandan side of Lake Albert, which straddles the border with Congo-Kinshasa, had a rude shock in mid-June when President Yoweri Museveni announced that Uganda...

Graft at the top

Soon after his December 2005 inauguration, President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete replied to critics who said he was too soft to run a country bogged down in corruption: ‘I...

Displaying 1611-1620 out of 2416 results.