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Displaying 1601-1610 out of 2432 results.

Shifting sands

Khartoum’s côterie of Asian investors worry about a return to the North-South war

China is trying to strengthen its diplomatic and commercial relations with Sudan despite the international opprobrium that those relations have attracted. Meanwhile, Khartoum’s ruling National Congress (NC, aka National Islamic Front) is...

A one-sided election

The parliamentary elections were unconvincing but a bit better than the last ones

Facing no opposition, the Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR) won an unsurprising landslide in the parliamentary elections on 15 September, the second since the 1994 genocide. The European Union’s...

The Kivu impasse

Rwanda cannot escape the troubles across the border in North Kivu

The rebel Congolese Tutsi General, Laurent Nkunda, has called for an uprising against the Kinshasa government. The 3,000-6,000 men of his Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple...

Another ethnic scramble

A well-intentioned reform threatens the country's regional parties and alliances

The political parties are waking up to the potentially ruinous implications of the new Political Parties Act. Passed into law in the run-up to last year's ill-fated general...

Arms and the boys

Somalia's pirates are busy guarding the 33 Ukrainian tanks and other equipment captured on the MV Faina on 25 September. United States' naval vessels surround the ship...

The Darfur dance

Khartoum's diplomats are lobbying hard at the UN to block an arrest warrant for President Omer for genocide and war crimes

The diplomatic dance at the United Nations General Assembly is intensifying over the arrest warrants against Sudanese President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir sought by the Chief Prosecutor...

Pirates afloat

The United Nations World Food Programme has successfully appealed to the European Union for protection of its life-saving cargoes of food aid. On 15 September, the EU’s foreign...

The evidence unfolds

Public inquiries into Kenya's electoral troubles offer a safety valve, not a solution

Two official commissions of inquiry completed their public hearings last week. The Kriegler Commission’s subject is electoral fraud in the disputed presidential election of December 2007; the Waki...

Displaying 1601-1610 out of 2432 results.