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Displaying 1561-1570 out of 2416 results.

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Ethiopia argues that its withdrawal from Somalia will help the power-sharing talks brokered by the United Nations Special Representative Ahmadou Ould Abdallah. A principal condition for the participation...

Out with an editor

The once media-friendly President has lost patience with Uganda’s fourth estate

Journalists are no longer in favour with President Yoweri Museveni, who seems to blame them for his waning popularity. He once treated his encounters with the press as...

Here for the beer

The South African brewery giant SABMiller opened a new beer factory in Juba this week, the first plant in Sudan since President Jaafar Mohamed Nimeiri symbolically threw at...

Shooting down a president

Fourteen years after the murder of the two Presidents which triggered the genocide, France’s case against the nine accused looks very thin

Rose Kabuye’s French lawyers think the case against her is profoundly flawed. She was extradited to France following her arrest by German police at Frankfurt airport on...

Who arms Laurent Nkunda?

Congo-Kinshasa's Local Government Minister Mbusa Nyamwisi was running his own militia in the east a decade ago. Now he says it might be helpful for the Kinshasa government...

Corruption credentials

Tanzania’s judges have piles of files to read over the Christmas holiday. A flurry of former ministers, high-profile businessmen and ex-employees of the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) were...

Pirates and the lads

Mercenaries, the media and worried looking men in suits are much exercised by the escalating operations of the Somali pirates patrolling the Gulf of Aden in search of...

Year of the rat

The Chinese government has been arming two archenemies, the governments of Chad and Sudan, who are in effect at war

Chinese peacekeepers in Southern Sudan have been awarded United Nations Peacekeeping Medals two months early to coincide with the Lunar New Year Spring Festival, celebrated on 7 February. Events in Chad...

Tokyo's test

The Japanese are after Sudanese energy

Until public protests over Darfur two years ago, Japan was one of the biggest customers for Sudanese oil. But unlike China and India it had no direct investments in Sudan's...

More competition for Tokyo

Tokyo promises to keep up its Africa momentum but is losing big contracts to China

Japan would honour its promises to increase aid and investment in Africa despite the departure of Prime Miniter Yasuo Fukuda, said Foreign Minister Shintaro Ito during a trip to Kenya this...

Displaying 1561-1570 out of 2416 results.