Vol 3 (AAC) No 8 | ETHIOPIAINDIA Fertile fields for India 17th June 2010 The Addis government shows scant regard for the potential local impact of massive Indian investment in floriculture and biofuels Ethiopia is renowned more for its famines than for its fertile fields but land leasing has become a burgeoning business in some of the most unlikely locations. Vast swathes of...
Vol 51 No 12 | KENYA The rise of the watermelons 11th June 2010 The constitutional referendum is splitting parties, creating bizarre alliances and foreshadowing the 2012 elections
Vol 51 No 12 | SUDAN Flash point Southern Kordofan 11th June 2010 Amid complaints of Khartoum’s meddling and the SPLM’s betrayal, how South Kordofan reacts will be critical to the referenda in January The rerun of the population census in South Kordofan next week will highlight another flash point in Sudan’s shaky North-South peace agreement ahead of the referenda on self-determination...
Vol 51 No 12 | SUDAN Militias of the new age 11th June 2010 In the seven short months before January’s independence referendum, militias in the South’s oil-producing areas – Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity states – will be one of the...
Vol 51 No 12 | SUDAN Oily alliances 11th June 2010 A new oil consortium operating in Darfur brings together private Arab, Gabonese and Libyan state interests and companies close to Khartoum’s ruling National Congress Party. It also raises...
Vol 51 No 11 | ETHIOPIA Opposition wipe-out 28th May 2010 In 2005, all of Addis Ababa’s federal parliamentary seats went to the opposition; this time, preliminary results suggest that all but one have gone to the Ethiopian People’s...
Vol 51 No 11 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Mixed messages 28th May 2010 In a spirit of reconciliation not always seen from Asmara, Eritrea’s Ambassador in London, Tesfamicael Gerahtu, told AC that the people of his country and Ethiopia were ‘bound...
Vol 51 No 10 | ERITREA Opposing Issayas 14th May 2010 Despite UN sanctions against Asmara and the support of Ethiopia, Eritrea’s fractious opposition is struggling to build a united front Eritrea’s opposition is planning an all-inclusive National Conference for Democratic Change in July. The prime mover, the Eritrean Democratic Alliance (EDA), has secured support from Ethiopia and is...
Vol 51 No 10 | ERITREA Blaming the USA 14th May 2010 On 23 December 2009, the United Nations Security Council voted 13 to 1 (Libya) with one abstention (China) to impose sanctions on Eritrea because it supported extremist opposition...
Vol 51 No 10 | ETHIOPIA Too many cooks 14th May 2010 With elections due on 23 May, Premier Meles Zenawi’s government is looking forward to another five years in office. Amid sporadic violence with several deaths, opposition and government...