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Displaying 1351-1360 out of 2432 results.

The boom in Juba and its consequences

Talk of war might be in the air but Juba is booming. Building sites are around every corner of South Sudan’s capital and so are foreign delegations and contract-wielding business people. Expecting independence next year, the South is marketing itself as a virgin land rich in oil, minerals and fertile soil. As one of the last remaining markets to open up to a world economy battling for natural resources, commercial and diplomatic interest is growing fast in the new state.

The National Congress Party regime in Khartoum wants to delay January’s referenda on the status of the South and Abyei. Discussions about oil revenue and borders are unresolved...

Jarch Capital has friends in the South

Last year, in Africa’s biggest land deal, Jarch Capital leased 400,000 hectares in Mayom County, Unity State, from one-time warlord Paulino Matiep Nhial’s family (AC Vol 50 No...

Khartoum’s new export trade

The prospect of losing most of its oil income if the South becomes independent next year has galvanised the National Congress Party. As the Sudanese pound hurtles downwards...

UN rejects AU blockade plea

More troops for Amisom, perhaps, but no air or naval blockade for Somalia as the African Union tries to link Al Shabaab and piracy

The African Union has made a bold attempt to yoke the issue of Somali piracy to the Shabaab problem in the hope of getting United Nations Security Council...

The bout begins

The shadow-boxing is at an end. Uganda has its eight candidates for the 18 February presidential election after two fraught days of nominations at Namboole Stadium in Kampala...

Down but not out

The general elections were won, as predicted, by the Chama cha Mapinduzi, which did however suffer some setbacks. Exit polls showed President Jakaya Kikwete in the lead but...

Northern opposition faces increasing duress

Khartoum plays the national unity card to crack down on its many opponents in the North as a new movement is launched

The prospect of independence for Southern Sudan after the referenda due in January is sharpening the cleavages in the Northern opposition. Many Northern oppositionists say their movement...

Counting on growth

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, now in his fourth consecutive term, uses his claimed economic policy prowess to counter critics

Just before May’s general elections, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi attributed his expected victory to seven years of double-digit growth. Yet the figures are controversial and pose questions about...

Challenging the CCM

The rise of the opposition Chadema party will not threaten the CCM’s majority but it will make the election battles fiercer

The majority of the governing party, Chama cha Mapinduzi, is unlikely to be overturned at the 31 October election. There are nevertheless widespread expectations of good results for...

Displaying 1351-1360 out of 2432 results.